Young boys playing on floor

Children's Academy


Children's Academy Preschool is at 2 locations - Squadron Line & Latimer Lane.  Registration for both locations must be submitted at Squadron Line.

Children's Academy logoBeginning in the 2012-2013 school year, the Simsbury Preschool program became The Children’s Academy of Simsbury. During the Spring of 2012, the Simsbury Public Schools, along with the Department of Continuing Education, were involved in a Preschool Study, the purpose of which was to define a quality preschool program and to ensure that our current program is in line with the CT Preschool Curriculum and Assessment Frameworks, the English Language Arts Connecticut Preschool Standards, and with current research and best practices.

We offer extended care hours! Click on "Forms & Parent/Guardian Communications" below to find out more.

Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year!

All morning and full day sessions for the 2025-2026 school year are full.  There is limited availability for our afternoon only sessions.  Please email for more information or to be added to our waiting list.The registration process for the 2025-2026 school year for new families began as of 7 am on 1/2/25.  Registration forms are available here on our website or in person at Squadron Line School (44 Squadron Line Road) as of 7 am on 1/2/25 and can be submitted as of 7 am on 1/3/25 All registration forms must be submitted via mail or in person to Children's Academy Preschool Administration staff at Squadron Line School (44 Squadron Line Road), along with a $100 deposit and $30 registration fee (check or money order made payable to DCE).  

Spots will  fill up very quickly so be sure to submit your form, deposit & fee as soon as possible as of 7 am on 1/3/25!

Families with a child currently participating in the program will be able to register beginning 12/10/24.  Information and details regarding registration will be sent via email to currently participating  families.

Registration forms for the 2025-2026 school year will be found  here as of  7 am on 1/2/25!