
                         Board of Education Budget 


The Board of Education was presented with the 2025-26 capital improvement plan recommendations at their meeting on November 12, 2024.  There are 2 projects on the plan which include security improvements (upgrading security cameras), and funding for paving and line striping (sidewalks, curbs, parking lots, playgrounds) at the schools.  The board voted on these recommendations at their meeting on December 10, 2024 and forwarded their plan to the Board of Selectmen.

On December 11, 2024, a meeting of the Board of Finance, Board of Selectmen and Board of Education was held at the Simsbury Public Library.  During this meeting, the boards have an opportunity to share fixed cost data and discuss contextual factors that will impact overall budget development.

During the month of November, Principals and Directors submitted their 2025-26 budget proposals to the Finance Department.  In December, Central Office Administrators will meet with each of the Principals/Directors to review their requests.  At their January 28, 2025 meeting, the Board of Education will begin discussions around the budget.  At this meeting the discussion will focus on budget context and major drivers, enrollment and staffing, and special education.  In early February, Superintendent Curtis will present his budget to the board.

During the month of February, the Board of Education will continue to discuss the 2025-26 budget during their budget workshop and board meetings.  At their February 25, 2025 meeting, the board will vote on the 2025-26 public school budget.  On March 4, 2025, the Board of Education will present their budget to the Board of Finance.  A Public Hearing on capital and operating budgets will be held on April 8, 2025, followed by a referendum in May. 



BOE Calendar

Overview of the Budget Process

October February

Budget Forms

Information/Calendar to Principals & Directors

BOE budget workshops culminate in operating budget adoption and BOE adopts the Capital Improvement Plan for submission to the BOS
October/November March
Discussion and prioritization of budget items in conjunction with Principals & Directors

BOE presentation to the BOF (capital and
operating budgets)

December April
Superintendent/Director of Finance/Assistant Superintendents meet with Principals & Directors to discuss budget proposals and building improvements Public hearings on BOE, Town and capital budgets
January May
Budget workshops begin with the Board of Education Budget Referendum at Henry James Memorial School


2025-2026 Budget