Helpful Videos for your Student
- Athletics
- Daily Announcements
- Documents/Handbooks
- Online Resources
- Summer Reading
- Summer Writing and Cultural Celebrations: The Story of Me Summer Learning Challenge (More information is available at the CSDE Summer Learning Hub. )
- Summer Literacy or Math: Freckle Freckle is an online learning platform that allows students to practice Math and English Language Arts at their own level.
- Virtual Libraries (Elementary)
- World Language Enrichment (Google site)
- Simsbury K-6 Mathematics website (Google site)
Summer 2023Simsbury Public Schools and the Simsbury Department of Continuing Education offers “Summer Academies” to spark student learning throughout the summer. Check back soon for Summer 2023 information.
Please log in to your Naviance account to view:
- College visits to SHS
- Scholarship information
- Your application status