School Counseling

Welcome to the Simsbury High School Counseling Department

Simsbury High School is a unique school, rich in tradition and spirit. It is a wonderful environment in which to grow academically, personally, and socially. You will be presented with many new and exciting opportunities to explore areas of interest that will help cultivate this growth. It is the philosophy of the School Counseling Department to encourage and promote this exploration as a means of self-inquiry, and as an important tool in the development of self-awareness. We pride ourselves in understanding how individualized the developmental process is for each student and work hard to encourage choices that will help you question your assumptions, challenge your intellect, and stimulate your creativity. The School Counseling Department is a major hub of Simsbury High School and a primary source of information throughout your high school journey. Our goal is to know our students, know our families, and know the opportunities that exist for you. We look forward to a productive partnership with you, and to providing the necessary support and encouragement through these exciting years.

Greg Stillman
Director of School Counseling




The SAT will be given in school on March 19th to all juniors. To prepare, students can take full length practice tests through the Bluebook app on their Chromebook. Students just need a college board account to log into the Bluebook app. SAT test prep is also available through Khan Academy.



8th Grade Course Selection Night

On Tuesday, January 21, all 8th Grade students and families are invited to attend Course Selection Night at Simsbury High School to learn about the elective area course offerings available to students.




Becoming a College Bound Student-Athlete

On Thursday, November 21, Simsbury High School Athletic Director Jeff Pinney and Director of Counseling Greg Stillman hosted a program called  ‘Becoming a College Bound Student-Athlete’.  The program covered all of the information needed to become an NCAA college bound student-athlete and was open to parents and students of all grade levels interested in playing sports at the college level.

Presentation Slides


Financial Aid Night

On Wednesday, October 16 the School Counseling Office hosted How to Pay for College .The program was presented by Charles Wareham, an expert in the field of college funding strategies.  Attendees learned effective ways to save and invest for college, how to make the most of the financial aid system, and how to negotiate their financial aid package.

 Financial Aid Booklet 



SpringPath College Fair

SpringPath College Fair- Wednesday, October 2, 2024 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm at the South End Boys and Girls Club of Hartford. The fair is being hosted by a company called SpringPath and over 100 colleges will be in attendance.  Registration is free for all students and families to attend.  Information, including registration, can be found at: College Fair Registration



Senior Parent Night

On Wednesday, September 4 the School Counseling Office hosted a virtual Senior Parent Night. Counselors  presented pertinent information regarding the post high school planning process.  They discussed the present trends in college admissions, explained specific procedures to complete college applications, talked about the resources available to seniors, and answered questions from parents.

Presentation Slides

Program Recording



NEW Students to SHS (Grades 10-12)

The School Counseling Office hosted a "New to Simsbury" student orientation for grades 10-12 on Wednesday, August 21 in the student center.