Student Self Evaluation Worksheets
- Task Definition
- Information Seeking Strategies
- Location and Access
- Responsible Use of Information
- Synthesis
Task Definition
Name ____________________Teacher ___________________ Period _____
Information seeking strategies: Student Self Evaluation
1. Copy this self evaluation and paste into a word document.
2. Go to the explanation of the rubric in the Virtual Library. Tile windows vertically.
3. Complete steps 4 and 5 and print your answer.
4. Underline the phrase below which best describes your evaluation of how well you gathered the sources, accessed, and evaluated information.
Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Approaching Standard Below Standard
5. Comment on why you evaluated yourself the way you did by referring to:
a. your degree of effectiveness (highly effective, effective, moderately effective, ineffective) and
b. the characteristics of your research plan or your annotated works cited page
Information Seeking Strategies
Name Teacher Period
Information seeking strategies: Student Self Evaluation
1. Copy this self evaluation and paste into a word document.
2. Go to the explanation of the rubric in the Virtual Library. Tile windows vertically.
3. Complete steps 4 and 5 and print your answer.
4. Underline the phrase below which best describes your evaluation of how well you gathered the sources, accessed, and evaluated information.
Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Approaching Standard Below Standard
5. Comment on why you evaluated yourself the way you did by referring to:
a. your degree of effectiveness (highly effective, effective, moderately effective, ineffective) and
b. the characteristics of your research plan or your annotated works cited page
Location and Access
Name ____________________Teacher ___________________ Period _____
Location and Access:
1. Access your NoodleTools account. Open your list.
2. Click on "Analysis."
3. Go to "File," select "Print."
4. Apply this rubric to the List Analysis of sources you used.
5. Circle the phrase below that best describes your analysis of sources.
Exceeds standard: If your list of sources contains an amount of sources that exceeds the requirements of the assignment, a balance of available, relevant resources and currency if the topic is time-sensitive.
Meets standard: If your list of sources contains an amount of sources that meets the requirements of the assignment, a balance of available, relevant resources and currency if the topic is time-sensitive.
Approaches standard: If your list contains an amount of sources that meets some the requirements of the assignment, does not contain a balance of available, relevant resources and currency if the topic is time-sensitive.
Below Standard: If your list contains an amount of sources that does not meet the requirements of the assignment and does not have a balance of available, relevant resources and ignores currency if the topic is time-sensitive.
6. Comment on why you evaluated yourself the way you did by referring to:
- your degree of effectiveness (highly effective, effective, moderately effective, or ineffective) and
- • the quality of your sources as indicated in your NoodleTools List Analysis.
Responsible Use of Information
Name ____________________Teacher ___________________ Period _____
Responsible Information Use: Student Self Evaluation
1. Copy this self evaluation and paste into a word document.
2. Go to the explanation of the rubric in the Virtual Library. Tile windows vertically.
3. Complete steps 4 and 5 and print your answer.
4. Underline the phrase that best describes your evaluation of how well you identified the information in the source and extracted the information you needed.
Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Approaching Standard Below Standard
5. Comment on why you evaluated yourself the way you did by referring to:
• your degree of understanding (thoroughly, substantially, partially, difficulty) and
• your use of hierarchical thinking in your outline and your use of NoodleTools and/or TurnItIn to avoid plagiarism.
Name ____________________ Teacher ___________________ Period _____
Evaluation of the results of research and the research process
1. Copy this self evaluation and paste into a word document.
2. Go to the explanation of the rubric in the Virtual Library. Tile windows vertically.
3. Complete steps 4 and 5 and print your answer.
4. Underline the phrase below which best describes your evaluation of how well you solved your information problem and if you would do it differently next time.
Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Approaching Standard Below Standard
5. Comment on why you evaluated yourself the way you did by referring to:
• your degree of effectiveness (highly, effective, moderately, ineffective) and
• the characteristics of a quality final product and an efficient process of research.