SHS LMC Students

Program Information

Hours 7:15 a.m - 3:45 p.m Monday -Thursday

7:15 a.m - 3:00 p.m Friday

You need your school ID for entrance into the library media center

Circulation / Library Information


Fiction, Nonfiction, Audio Books, Magazines = 3 Weeks

5 cents a day

Flash/Thumb Drives = 1 Week

$1.00 a day

Headsets = 1 Day

$1.00 a day

Microphones = 1 Day

$1.00 a day

Copy Machine = For individual use, not group copying

10 cents a copy

We maintain an "academic climate" in the LMC. You may talk very quietly to others about your work. If however, you wish to converse, please go the cafeteria. I-pods may be used in the library. Please respect the rights of others.


Consequence for failure to follow rule

Follow the AUP (acceptable use policy)

  • Computers are for school work only.
  • Please remember that our Acceptable Use Policy prohibits the playing of games.
  • When you are done with your school work, please sign off so others students can complete their work.

Loss of computer privilege

Repeated offense will result in detention.

Student Email is for Educational Purposes

Loss of computer privilege.

Repeated offense will result in detention.

  • Cell phone use in the LMC should be limited to educational purposes.
  • Please do not talk on your cell phone in the LMC. In an emergency please take your call in the corridor outside the LMC door.
  • No food or drink in the LMC

Loss of library privilege.

Repeated offense will result in detention.