World Language Library Lessons
Buen Viaje
Spanish 3 - Buen Viaje
Resources: Databases
Resources: Free Internet
Fodor's Travel Guides - Plan trips to some of Spain's most popular travel destinations, such as Barcelona and Madrid. Select from a list of Top Destinations or search for Travel Guides by Region. Includes maps, culture, hotel and restaurants, travel arrangements and more.
Cheap Tickets - Online travel services company focusing on the leisure market, offering airline tickets, hotel and Vacation rentals.
Expedia - Book airline tickets, hotel reservations, vacation packages and tickets to various attractions and services.
Renfe - Make travel arrangements and find tickets for passenger trains to many of Spain's most popular destinations.
Vueling - Barcelona-based commercial airline company with travel options and bases throughout Spain. One-way or round-trip airfares to and from Europe and the western Mediterranean.
Movelia - Bus timetable and ticketing information to travel throughout Spain. City bus tour packages are also available for Madrid and some of the country's premier tourist destinations.
Frommer's - This popular travel guidebook series is made available online. Book travel arrangements, get detailed maps and information about some of Spain's most-visited cities and attractions. Search a destination for information, read travel reviews, listen to expert traveler podcasts or book your entire trip online.
XE Universal Currency Converter - Keep track of your spending by using the currency converter widget to convert the value of American dollars (USD) to Euros (EUR) and from Euros to American dollars.
Un Planeta Para Todos
Escojan el problema en parejas. Usen la tabla para organizar sus ideas. Crean una infografía usando para educarnos o persuadirnos sobre su tema medioambiental. Uds. deben incluir unos gráficos y/o tablas. También deben incluir varias formas gramaticales: el subjuntivo, mandatos, expresiones de certeza, futuro, condicional, cláusulas con si.
Recommended Databases
Opposing Viewpoints in Context (Choose a Category - Energy & Environmentalism)
(ID="school password")
Science in Context (Choose a Category - Earth & Environmental Science)
(ID="school password")
Referencia Latina
(Use public library card or select "Try This!" as CT resident)
Did you forget the school database password? - Click here
Recommended Websites
Spanish and Mexican Artists
Subject: Spanish
Beginning: December, January
Resources: Databases
- CultureGrams Search by country and look at the menu on the left-Lifestyle
- Using CultureGrams--Saving photos, videos, Slideshows. Citing CultureGrams.
- Informe Contemporary magazines and newspapers in Spanish
Resources: Books
Go to Athena. Click on Visual Search. Click on the appropriate icon.
Resources: Software
- Noodle Tools to take notes and cite sources
- If you need to set up a new account or refresh your account, the School Library Username is shs library.
- Using Photo Story 3 for Windows. You can download this program for free for your home computer.
- PowerPoint Tips--Communicate better by improving your Powerpoint presentations.
- Typing Accents in French and Spanish using Microsoft Word
(Many of the above resources can be found on the SHS LMC How to Page)
Resources: Free Internet
- Painters
- Picasso (no link available on Texas A & M website)
- The Prado Museum (no link available)
- Web Gallery of Art - Artist Index
- Women artists (resource no longer available)
- World Wide Arts Resources
1. Writing Exercise (75) Pamphlet that announces exposition of painter.
- introduction to At Least three paintings that visitors to exhibit can expect to see
- explanation of at least three influences on the painter/paintings to be seen in this exposition (personal, historical, cultural)
- explanation of the artistic movement (s) represented by the works of this painter
- give three reasons why this painter is unique!
This pamphlet must be: well organized, complete, neatly written and beautifully illustrated. The purpose of the pamphlet is to attract attention to the talents of this painter and to encourage the public (all of whom might not be art lovers) to attend this fabulous exhibition!)
2. Oral Exercise (75) We will turn our classroom into a museum! Each group will set up an exhibition of painter studied. Our "Spanish/Mexican painting experts" will have the opportunity to speak about their painter as groups of "art enthusiasts" (fellow students) pass through each exhibit. Two-three groups will present each day. This exhibition must include:
- a display of six to ten paintings that represent technique / artistic movement for which this painter is famous
- An introduction to these six to ten paintings:
1. title
2. theme
3. color - How have the events of history, the events of this painter's life, and the culture in which he /she lived influenced these works of art?
- Explanation of the artistic movement(s) represented by the works of this painter
- Give three reasons why this painter is unique!
3. Oral Exercise: Art activity with the class! (50) Each group must involve the other members of the class in the life / works of the painter studied. Each group will engage classmates in speaking and / or artistic activity. BE CREATIVE!!! Ask classmates to:
- dramatize painting
- create dialogue between the people in the painting and the class
- imagine that this is the frame of a movie-dramatize what happened before and after this scene
- interview the painter and his/her subjects
- "lunch" with the painter and the subjects in his/her painting
copy painting, cut it in pieces, form a new painting, students discuss /compare / contrast new paintings in small groups / entire class - think of a new title: discuss / compare / contrast
guess title of a painting that students have not seen as yet, then draw / paint the painting as each student imagines it, following the style of painter presented
El Greco , Velazquez, Goya, Picasso*, Gris, Miro, Dali
*grupo de tres
David Alfaro Siqieros, Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco, Frida Kahlo
Culture of Hispanic Countries
The Culture of Spanish-speaking Countries
Typing Accents in French and Spanish
Resources: Databases
Student Research Center-Country Reports
Informe (link no longer supportefd)
Go to databases by department and click on World Language
Resources: Books
Go to Library Resources--Athena and click on Visual Search. Click on the Spanish Culture button.
Click Connect for books at SPS library
Resources: Free Internet
- Travel Magazine: Geographia
- CIA World Factbook
- Library of Congress Area Handbooks
- Altapedia
- Artcyclopedia is a database of information on over 7,500 artists. Search by name, title of art work, or museum and the results will be good quality museum sites and articles.
- Prado Museum (link no longer available)
- Biography of Dali (link no longer available)
Artist Links
The Metropolitan Museum of Art database provides biographies to over 8,000 registered artists
Choose by period, media, or by artist's last name.
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Artists Index
Look up artist information or look at art by category
Alphabetical, chronological or geographical indexes of painters whose art was chosen from
eighteen national museums in France.
Women Artists Archive (Resource no longer available)
Women Artists in History (Resource no longer available)
Prepare an oral report in Spanish on the following artists:
Juan Gris , Diego Velazquez, Juan Miro, Bartolome Esteban Murillo
El Greco, J. Ribera, Zurbaran, Goya , Dali , Picasso, Frita Kahlo
Spanish music, Spanish food, Mexican food, Spanish movies, Spanish holidays, Seville, Spanish television
13 : Gloria Estefan
16: Jon Secada
20: Mariachi
22: Indigenous music
4: Dance (Salsa, Tango, Merengue, Copacabana, La Capitana (Cuzco), Sijilla (Auki Auki People) etc.
12: Dia de la Raza
13: Political topics of Puerto Rico
18: Cuba and U.S. Relations
20: Panama canal
2: Dia de Los Muertos
12: virgen de guadelupe21: Navidad
23: Posaedas
3: La Noche vieja
5: Aztecs (2 reports: classes of society; daily life; science and religion)
6: Reyes Magos
10: Incas (2 reports: classes of society; daily life; science and religion)
12: Mayans (2 reports: classes of society; daily life; science and religion)
13: Cultural Midterm
7: Carnaval
2: Conquistadores: Cortez
7: Pizarro
15: Quinceanera
27: Aztec (Art and Architecture)
28: Inca (Art and Architecture)
29: Mayan (Art and Architecture)
1: La plata and Taxco
2: Ceramica
4: La Corrida
11: Artesania
245: Ponce de Leon
1: Dia de Trabajo
3: Isabel Allende (book report-read in English, report in Spanish)
5: cinco de Mayo
10: Mexico and U.S.
16: Father Junipero serra-Conquisitador
17: Simon Bolivar-Liberator
25: Jose Martin
30: Colombia
31: Garcia Marquez (book report-read in English, report in Spanish)
Other choice includes:
Indigenous fiestas: i.e. Inti raymi, Ocapac Raymi, Intip Raymi, Citoc raymi (sum worship)
Dia de Independencia
Traditional festival of the Andes, Famous Latin-Americans, Book report on Octavio Paz
Spanish 3 - Buen Viaje
Resources: Databases
Resources: Free Internet
- Fodor's Travel Guides - Plan trips to some of Spain's most popular travel destinations, such as Barcelona and Madrid. Select from a list of Top Destinations or search for Travel Guides by Region. Includes maps, culture, hotel and restaurants, travel arrangements and more.
- Cheap Tickets - Online travel services company focusing on the leisure market, offering airline tickets, hotel and Vacation rentals.
- Expedia - Book airline tickets, hotel reservations, vacation packages and tickets to various attractions and services.
- Renfe - Make travel arrangements and find tickets for passenger trains to many of Spain's most popular destinations.
- Vueling - Barcelona-based commercial airline company with travel options and bases throughout Spain. One-way or round-trip airfares to and from Europe and the western Mediterranean.
- Movelia - Bus timetable and ticketing information to travel throughout Spain. City bus tour packages are also available for Madrid and some of the country's premier tourist destinations.
- Frommer's - This popular travel guidebook series is made available online. Book travel arrangements, get detailed maps and information about some of Spain's most-visited cities and attractions. Search a destination for information, read travel reviews, listen to expert traveler podcasts or book your entire trip online.
- XE Universal Currency Converter - Keep track of your spending by using the currency converter widget to convert the value of American dollars (USD) to Euros (EUR) and from Euros to American dollars.
Un Planeta Para Todos
Escojan el problema en parejas. Usen la tabla para organizar sus ideas. Crean una infografía usando para educarnos o persuadirnos sobre su tema medioambiental. Uds. deben incluir unos gráficos y/o tablas. También deben incluir varias formas gramaticales: el subjuntivo, mandatos, expresiones de certeza, futuro, condicional, cláusulas con si.
Recommended Databases
Opposing Viewpoints in Context (Choose a Category - Energy & Environmentalism)
(ID="school password")
Science in Context (Choose a Category - Earth & Environmental Science)
(ID="school password")
Referencia Latina
(Use public library card or select "Try This!" as CT resident)
Did you forget the school database password? - Click here
Recommended Websites
- Crash Course in Infographics (link currently unavailable)
- NoodleTools