Tech Ed & FACS Library Lessons
Below you will find a comprehensive list of Family and Consumer Science/ Technology Education library lessons created at Simsbury High School library. To locate your library lesson, click on the appropriate teacher name and then on link listed below.
Architectural Timeline Structures
Architecture I Assignment
Engineering: The Product Cycle
A product lifecycle is when a product goes through the stages from concept and use to eventual withdrawal from the market place. Use the following resources to help you learn about the steps included in the life cycle of a product.
Recommended Books
Search in Destiny to locate books on your product. Use the "Resource Lists" in Destiny. Click on the "public tab" then click on the lists titled "Inventions" and/or "Product Life Cycle."
Search Google Books.
Recommended Software
Use NoodleTools to cite your sources. You cannot cite a general encyclopedia such as Wikipedia. General encyclopedias are for background information only. Not all information you see online is cited as a website. Some online information is: a chapter in a book, a magazine article or a government document and you should cite the source as a book, magazine or government document. Go to the "How To" section of the library website if you have problems accessing NoodleTools.
Use PhotoStory 3 to create a video. Go to the "How To" section of the library website if you have problems using PhotoStory 3. Be careful how you save your project. As long as you are still editing the project, such as adding more pictures or audio, continue to save the project as a .wp3 file. When you are completely finished, save the project as both a .wp3 file, so you can edit it if you have to, and as a .wmv file.
If you are adding music, use Audacity software. Remember that music clips should be no longer than 30 seconds long. Audacity allows you to import several audio files and export them as an .mp3 that can be imported into PhotoStory 3. Also be sure that the music is quiet and does not distract the audience from what you are trying to say. Go to the "How To" section of the library website if you have problems using Audacity.
Recommended Databases
No recommended databases at this time.
Recommended Resources: Free Internet
See the recommended websites on this worksheet.
Green Home Presentation
"Green" Home Presentation
Architecture III Technology & Engineering Education
Recommended Databases
Access databases via the Virtual Library.
- GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resource)
- Gale Reference Center Gold
- Science In Context
Recommended Books
Use Destiny to find books about your topic. A cart with pre-selected material is in the front of the room.
Recommended Software
You will use NoodleTools to cite your sources (Why cite?). You cannot cite a general encyclopedia such as Wikipedia. General Encyclopedias are for background information only. Not all information that you see online is cited as a website. Some online information is a chapter in a book, a magazine, a newspaper, a journal, etc. Go to the How To section of the library website if you have problems accessing NoodleTools.
You have the option of selecting your own choice of software to create your video presentation. We recommend PhotoStory 3 for school use, but you are welcome to use IMovie or another software of your choice from your own personal computers. Go to the How To section of the library website if you have problems using Photo Story 3.
Be careful how you save your project in Photostory 3. As long as you are still editing the project, such as adding more pictures or audio, continue to save the project as a .wp3 file. When you are completely finished, save the project as both a .wp3 file, so that you can edit it if you have to, and as a .wmv file.
Recommended Free Internet
- Go to Web Path Express. In the search box, type in your topic to search as keyword. View a list of web resources from Destiny.
- For information, visit Google Books (highly recommended).
- Envirolink
- Efficient Windows Collaboration
- (link currently unavailable)
- Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Material Safety Data Sheet & Environmental Health & Safety Links
Template and Assignment
To access your assignment and PhotoStory template, visit Dr. Ku's Architecture III Webpage *
*Note: Teacher webpages were phased out in 2017, so if you experience a broken link, please contact Dr. Ku or a library media specialist.