Social Studies Library Lessons
- Bombard
- Curtiss
- Evans
- Gesualdi
- Jeffers
- Keenan
- Martocchio
- McKay
- Nunes
- Olechna
- Osborne
- Rogers
- Russell
- Turgeon
- Weinbach
Historical Diary
Historical Diary Research Project
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the individual list links to view titles of recommended books.
Resources: Databases
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
World Book Student Online Encyclopedia
(username: simsburyps)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "public list" tab. Click on the appropriate list. Click on the "online resources" tab on the top right of your desktop. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Comprehensive sites / General indexes
- Not Everyone Lived in a Castle Many people think of the Middle Ages as a romantic time when gallant knights rescued lovely damsels in distress and everyone lived in castles. But that's only one small facet of the picture.
- Eye Witness-The Middle Ages and Renaissance History through the eyes of those who lived it.
Philosophy / The Church/ Religion
- The Keepers of the Knowledge Monks and nuns played many roles, but perhaps the most significant and far-reaching role was that of the keepers of knowledge.
Castles / Knights / Chivalry
- Castles on the Web Glossary of terms
- Castles on the Web: Photo Archive - English Castles is an image gallery of English castles. Some include brief historical facts about the castle. Beware to cite the image and look for modern conventions (i.e. cars, modern houses, people in modern clothing) to evaluate a photo before using it.
- Castle Learning Center includes sections on castle types, construction, and daily life.
- Chivalry Chivalry is derived through the French cheval from the Latin caballus. The knight or chevalier was the professional soldier of the time.
- Medieval Siege This is the companion Web site to the NOVA program which broadcasted on January 24, 2006. In the film, which is a part of the NOVA series, Secrets of Lost Empires, a team of timber framers and other specialists design, build, and fire a pair of trebuchets, a devastating engine of war popular in the Middle Ages.
- Life in a Castle Professor Richard Holmes, a British military historian featured in the NOVA film "Medieval Siege," talks here about everyday life in a medieval English castle, giving a sense of how lords and ladies, archers and engineers, cooks and carpenters lived their lives behind castle walls.
Daily Life
- Middle Ages: What was it like to live in the Middle Ages? The pageantry and the peasantry. An online exhibit inspired by a video series on the Western Tradition.
- Medieval English Towns History of several particular towns, plus a great bunch of links to other boroughs, background on medieval towns, fiefdoms and daily life.
- GodeCookery.Com This site includes authentic recipes for beverages, breads, cakes, pastries, cheese, dairy, eggs, desserts, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, pastas, meat, nuts, poultry, soups and sauces.
- Medieval Gastronomy Online exhibition from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- Laws and Punishment The basic principle of the law was that 'denial is always stronger than accusation', so, in most cases, the defendant would be allowed to bring forward an oath to prove his innocence. (Resource no longer available)
Science / Technology / Warfare
- Secrets of Lost Empires: Medieval Siege Companion site to the PBS Nova program. Learn about the trebuchet and other weapons.
- The Black Death During the Medieval period the plague went by several names, the most common being "the Pestilence" and "The Great Mortality ".
- The Plague Scientific Causes of the Black Plague
- Norton Topics Online: Middle Ages | 16th C. | Early 17th C. The "texts and contexts" of English literature of the three periods.
- Guide to Medieval and Renaissance (Musical) Instruments Pictures, descriptions, background, sound samples
- Medieval Drama An article on the origin and development of drama during the Middle Ages.
- Medieval Literature information about the Medieval authors, poets, and books
You will need to know where people lived, i.e. a manor, town or castle, to be able to describe what their home and daily life was like. Click here to see a list of where people lived. Determine whether the person was a commoner or a noble.
Age of Encounter
The Age of Encounter
You will be using your knowledge of history to describe the impact of globalization in the 15th-17th centuries on a society of your choice. You will need to select a society and then use your research skills to identify the impact that global encounter had on the people of this society.
You may consider examining how your selected society changed politically, economically, culturally, socially, etc. as a result of globalization. You might also discuss things such as the Columbian Exchange, the development of Triangular Trade and/or Indian Ocean Trade Networks, and emergence of mercantilism.
Once you have identified the consequences of globalization for your society, you will need to craft an argumentative paper that describes the impact of globalization.
Resources: Databases
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
*The American Mosaic: The African American Experience
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*The American Mosaic: The Latino American Experience
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World At War: Understanding Conflict and Society
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World Geography: Understanding a Changing World
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World Religions: Belief, Culture & Controversy
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Cause & effect: The ancient Aztecs [ebook]
Cause & effect: Ancient China [ebook]
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the WebPath Express tab. Enter your keywords in the search bar or Browse by Subject links. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Civics Thesis
Issues of Social Justice in American Society
You will write an argumentative essay of 6 paragraphs (typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font) that is intended to argue an issue that is critical to the progress of our nation. In the essay, you will provide a brief history of this issue and provide possible solutions. Your position must be supported with in-depth research and use formal language to convey your message. You must include a list of works cited that contain at least six sources with at least one of each of the following: print source, website source, database source.
Assignment: Research Paper Assignment 2022
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Recommended Databases
Forgot a database password? Click here!
Improve Searches Using Boolean Operators
American Government
(username: shslibrary)
American History
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(Username: shslibrary)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID = "school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username: shslibrary)
Online Resources
You can search for suggested academic websites related to your chosen topic by using the "Websites" results feature for your search in Destiny.
CARRDSS Website Evaluation (video)
Note-Taking Strategy & Example (video)
Note-Taking Strategy (PDF)
Age of Encounter
The Age of Encounter
You will be using your knowledge of history to describe the impact of globalization in the 15th-17th centuries on a society of your choice. You will need to select a society and then use your research skills to identify the impact that global encounter had on the people of this society.
You may consider examining how your selected society changed politically, economically, culturally, socially, etc. as a result of globalization. You might also discuss things such as the Columbian Exchange, the development of Triangular Trade and/or Indian Ocean Trade Networks, and emergence of mercantilism.
Once you have identified the consequences of globalization for your society, you will need to craft an argumentative paper that describes the impact of globalization.
Resources: Databases
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
*The American Mosaic: The African American Experience
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*The American Mosaic: The Latino American Experience
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World At War: Understanding Conflict and Society
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World Religions: Belief, Culture & Controversy
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Cause & effect: The ancient Aztecs [ebook]
Cause & effect: Ancient China [ebook]
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the WebPath Express tab. Enter your keywords in the search bar or Browse by Subject links. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Medieval Research
Medieval Project (Middle Ages Snapshot)
Resources: Databases
- Daily Life Through History
- Marshall Cavendish: Ancient and Medieval World and Exploring the Middle Ages
- World Book Student Online Encyclopedia
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the appropriate medieval list. You will then see titles of recommended books.
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "public list" tab. Click on the appropriate medieval list. Click on the "online resources" tab on the top right of your desktop. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Comprehensive sites / General indexes
- NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources (link no longer available) A "meta-index" of Internet resources. Over 1400 links in more than a dozen categories.
- Not Everyone Lived in a Castle Many people think of the Middle Ages as a romantic time when gallant knights rescued lovely damsels in distress and everyone lived in castles. But that's only one small facet of the picture.
- Eye Witness-The Middle Ages and Renaissance History through the eyes of those who lived it.
Philosophy / The Church/ Religion
- Monastic Life (link no longer available) Monasteries were places where men could go and devote their entire life to God.
- The Keepers of the Knowledge Monks and nuns played many roles, but perhaps the most significant and far-reaching role was that of the keepers of knowledge.
Castles / Knights / Chivalry
- Castles on the Web Glossary of terms
- Castle Learning Center includes sections on castle types, construction, and daily life.
- Chivalry Chivalry is derived through the French cheval from the Latin caballus. The knight or chevalier was the professional soldier of the time.
- Medieval Siege This is the companion Web site to the NOVA program which broadcasted on January 24, 2006. In the film, which is a part of the NOVA series, Secrets of Lost Empires, a team of timber framers and other specialists design, build, and fire a pair of trebuchets, a devastating engine of war popular in the Middle Ages.
- Life in a Castle Professor Richard Holmes, a British military historian featured in the NOVA film "Medieval Siege," talks here about everyday life in a medieval English castle, giving a sense of how lords and ladies, archers and engineers, cooks and carpenters lived their lives behind castle walls.
Daily Life
- Middle Ages: What was it like to live in the Middle Ages? The pageantry and the peasantry. An online exhibit inspired by a video series on the Western Tradition.
- Medieval English Towns History of several particular towns, plus a great bunch of links to other boroughs, background on medieval towns, fiefdoms and daily life.
- GodeCookery.Com This site includes authentic recipes for beverages, breads, cakes, pastries, cheese, dairy, eggs, desserts, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, pastas, meat, nuts, poultry, soups and sauces.
- Medieval Gastronomy Online exhibition from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- Footwear of the Middle Ages (link no longer available) To the end of the 16th C.
- Laws and Punishment The basic principle of the law was that 'denial is always stronger than accusation', so, in most cases, the defendant would be allowed to bring forward an oath to prove his innocence. (Resource no longer available)
Science / Technology / Warfare
- Secrets of Lost Empires: Medieval Siege Companion site to the PBS Nova program. Learn about the trebuchet and other weapons.
- The Black Death During the Medieval period the plague went by several names, the most common being "the Pestilence" and "The Great Mortality ".
- The Plague Scientific Causes of the Black Plague
- Norton Topics Online: Middle Ages | 16th C. | Early 17th C. The "texts and contexts" of English literature of the three periods.
- Guide to Medieval and Renaissance (Musical) Instruments Pictures, descriptions, background, sound samples
- Medieval Drama An article on the origin and development of drama during the Middle Ages.
- Medieval Literature information about the Medieval authors, poets, and books
Historical Fiction…Everyday snapshots of a Medieval Culture
Grading Rationale for Everyday snapshot of a Medieval Culture
You will need to know where people lived, i.e. a manor, town or castle, to be able to describe what their home and daily life was like. Click here to see a list of where people lived. Determine whether the person was a commoner or a noble.
Medieval Occupations
Renaissance Art Research
Developing a Research Question (Video)
Resources: Databases
Use Destiny to access online information about your artist. You may use any database, but the following are recommended:
- Biography in Context
- World History in Context
- Biography Reference Center
- Discovery Education: Renaissance Art (Video)
- Discovery Education: Art & Artists (Video)
Resources: Books
Use Destiny to find books about your artist and his work. Use the Visual Search tab to locate books about Renaissance Artists.
Resources: Free Internet
Use the WebPath Express feature in Destiny and/or any of the following web sites:
- Web Gallery of Art
- WebMuseum Paris: Artist Index
- Life of an Artist
- Michelangelo (Resource no longer available)
- Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Webmuseum-Italian Renaissance
- Aztec, Inca, Maya Exhibit Brochure
- Capital Punishment
- Case Brief
- Constitutional Issues
- Medieval (Middle Ages) Research
- Family Law/Tort Law
- News Commentary
- Renaissance Artists
- Age of Encounter
Aztec, Inca, Maya Exhibit Brochure
Recommended Databases
Recommended Books
Use Destiny to find books about your people and their empire. Use the WebPath Express option on the left to search for credible preselected websites on your topic.
Recommended Software
You will be using Microsoft Publisher to create a colorful, double sided, single page brochure. You may not hand in 2 separate pages.
Recommended Free Internet
- Ancient Mexico: maps, gods, conquest, timelines, history (Link no longer available.)
- The Aztecs/ Mexicas
- Aztec Calendar (Link no longer available.)
- Nahuatal Culture
- Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico Accounts of the first meeting between Cortez and Montezuma and of the Tenochtitlan massacre, from 'The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico' (Beacon Press 1962). Part of Prof. Paul Halsall's Internet History Sourcebooks.
- Maya Ruins - Provides and overview of the extent of Mayan Territory; it also includes photos, maps, and historical information.
- Mesoweb: An Exploration of Mesoamerican Cultures This site is "devoted to ancient Mesoamerica and its cultures: the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Teotihuacano, Toltec, Mixtec, Zapotec and others." Find photos, map, animations, videos, rubbings of Maya sculptures, and an illustrated encyclopedia.
- Collapse of the Maya Civilization - A site full of information over the collapse of the Mayan civilization. (Link no longer available.)
- Ancient Mayas - All about ancient Mayan culture- with several links
- Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations - This site compares and contrasts several different mesoamerican civilizations.
- Ancient Civilizations - A general overview of different ancient civilizations.
Assignment: World Civilization I-II The Maya, Aztec, and Inca
Capital Punishment
Recommended Databases
- SIRS Researcher
- LegalTrac
- ICONN - Link to Individual Resources - E- Reference Books. Scroll down and locate E- Books - Click on Legal Documents
- Courtroom and the Classroom (*Also available in print at the circulation desk.)
- Discovering Collection
Recommended Books
Use Athena to locate books on your topic. Click on Visual Search. Click on the Capital Punishment icon.
Recommended Software
Use Noodletools to cite in MLA format and/or to take notes electronically. Use to cite in Chicago format.
Recommended Free Internet
For this assignment, you will be required to write a 2-3 page persuasive paper on the following topic: Do you support or oppose capital punishment?
As you research information on capital punishment, pro and con, be sure to consider the issues listed below. Do not, however, limit your research to these issues. The issues listed below simply provide a starting point from which you can begin to acquire information.
1. Statistical information on death row inmates:
- number of "innocent" persons that have been on death row -
- number of juveniles, women, insane, mentally-challenged presently on death row
- average IQ of inmates on death row
- number of poor on death row
- "racial" breakdown of death row inmates
- number of "victims" of violent crimes
2. Also consider the following issues:
- the relationship between deterrence and capital punishment
- the relationship between retribution and capital punishment
- the cost associated with keeping inmates on death row
- the constitutional issue regarding "cruel and unusual punishment" (the methods of execution)
- the appeals process as it relates to capital punishment
- the competence of both prosecutors and defense attorneys
- Brainstorm a strategy
- List the sources
- Gather the sources
- Take notes
- Combine the information
Sources: A works cited page should appear at the end of your essay. The sources you consult should be listed in proper format. Your research should reflect an integrated number of sources not only from the Internet, but from print sources as well. Attention should be given to the most recent information, particularly regarding the collection of statistical data.
Parenthetical Documentation:Sources that require documentation should be cited using parenthetical documentation. Papers without documentation will not be accepted for credit and will receive a grade of zero.
Assess the product and the process: Evaluation
1. Introduction and conclusion
2. Clearly stated position
3. Clearly stated and developed arguments with sufficient supportive evidence (Students should not only discuss arguments supporting their position, but students should also identify and explain why arguments for the opposing side are not credible.)
1. Double-spaced typed paper
2. Proper format-Title page
-Proper margins
3. Sentence structure/delivery
4. Grammar, spelling, punctuation
5. Proper use of works cited page and parenthetical documentation
Papers that are not handed in at the beginning of the period on the day they are due will not be accepted for full credit.
This paper should reflect the sole effort of the individual student.
Case Brief
Download the word document: Case Brief
Constitutional Issues
Resources: Databases
- Opposing Viewpoints
- SIRS Researcher
- Courtroom & the Classroom (*Also available in print at the circulation desk)
- LegalTrac
- ICONN - Link to Individual Resources - E- Reference Books. Scroll down and locate E- Books - Click on Legal Documents
Resources: Books
Use Athena to locate books on your topic. Click on Visual Search for some constitutional issues bibliographies.
Resources: Software
Use Noodletools to cite sources used, to take notes electronically and to generate a MLA "Works Cited" page.
Resources: Free Internet
- Supreme Court of the United States
- Find Law
- Cornell University Law School
Medieval (Middle Ages) Research
- Medieval Research Assignment
- Medieval Journal Questions
- Medieval Search Terms & Vocabulary
- Medieval Research Library Notes
- Note-taking Strategy
- Sample Notecard
Resources: Databases
Daily Life Through History
(Username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(Username: shslibrary )
World Book Student Online Encyclopedia
ID= "school password"
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the appropriate medieval list. You will then see titles of recommended books.
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "public list" tab. Click on the appropriate medieval list. Click on the "online resources" tab on the top right of your desktop. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Comprehensive sites / General indexes
- NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources (link no longer available) A "meta-index" of Internet resources. Over 1400 links in more than a dozen categories.
- Eye Witness-The Middle Ages and Renaissance History through the eyes of those who lived it.
Philosophy / The Church/ Religion
- Monastic Life (link no longer available) Monasteries were places where men could go and devote their entire life to God.
- The Keepers of the Knowledge Monks and nuns played many roles, but perhaps the most significant and far-reaching role was that of the keepers of knowledge.
Castles / Knights / Chivalry
- Castles on the Web Glossary of terms
- Castle Wales
- Castles on the Web: Photo Archive - English Castles is an image gallery of English castles. Some include brief historical facts about the castle. Beware to cite the image and look for modern conventions (i.e. cars, modern houses, people in modern clothing) to evaluate a photo before using it.
- Castle Learning Center includes sections on castle types, construction, and daily life.
- Chivalry Chivalry is derived through the French cheval from the Latin caballus. The knight or chevalier was the professional soldier of the time.
- Medieval Siege This is the companion Web site to the NOVA program which broadcasted on January 24, 2006. In the film, which is a part of the NOVA series,Secrets of Lost Empires, a team of timber framers and other specialists design, build, and fire a pair of trebuchets, a devastating engine of war popular in the Middle Ages.
- Life in a Castle Professor Richard Holmes, a British military historian featured in the NOVA film "Medieval Siege," talks here about everyday life in a medieval English castle, giving a sense of how lords and ladies, archers and engineers, cooks and carpenters lived their lives behind castle walls.
Daily Life
- Middle Ages: What was it like to live in the Middle Ages? The pageantry and the peasantry. An online exhibit inspired by a video series on the Western Tradition.
- Medieval English Towns History of several particular towns, plus a great bunch of links to other boroughs, background on medieval towns, fiefdoms and daily life.
- GodeCookery.Com This site includes authentic recipes for beverages, breads, cakes, pastries, cheese, dairy, eggs, desserts, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, pastas, meat, nuts, poultry, soups and sauces.
- Medieval Gastronomy Online exhibition from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- Footwear of the Middle Ages (link no longer available) To the end of the 16th C.
- Laws and Punishment The basic principle of the law was that 'denial is always stronger than accusation', so, in most cases, the defendant would be allowed to bring forward an oath to prove his innocence. Resource no longer available.
Science / Technology / Warfare
- Secrets of Lost Empires: Medieval Siege Companion site to the PBS Nova program. Learn about the trebuchet and other weapons.
- The Black Death During the Medieval period the plague went by several names, the most common being "the Pestilence" and "The Great Mortality ".
- The Plague Scientific Causes of the Black Plague
- Norton Topics Online: Middle Ages | 16th C. | Early 17th C. The "texts and contexts" of English literature of the three periods.
- Medieval Drama An article on the origin and development of drama during the Middle Ages.
- Medieval Literature information about the Medieval authors, poets, and books
You will need to know where people lived, i.e. a manor, town or castle, to be able to describe what their home and daily life was like. Click here to see a list of where people lived. Determine whether the person was a commoner or a noble.
Family Law/Tort Law
Resources: Databases
- Opposing Viewpoints
- SIRS Researcher
- Courtroom & the Classroom (*Also available in print at the circulation desk)
- LegalTrac
- ICONN - Link to Individual Resources - E- Reference Books. Scroll down and locate E- Books - Click on Legal Documents
Resources: Books
Use Athena to locate books on your topic.
Resources: Software
Use Noodletools to cite sources used, to take notes electronically, generate an annotated bibliography and to generate a MLA "Works Cited" page.
Resources: Free Internet
- Supreme Court of the United States
- Find Law
- Street Law
- Cornell University Law School
News Commentary
Click here to access news commentary form.
Renaissance Artists
As curator of a museum, you are hosting a special exhibit on Italian and Northern Renaissance art at your museum. A curator is the person in charge of the museum’s collections. As part of the exhibit, you plan to include a brief slide show with images and information relating to the artists.
Renaissance Artist Presentation
Resources: Databases
Use Destiny to access online information about your artist. You may use any database, but the following are recommended:
- Biography in Context
- World History in Context
- Biography Reference Center
- Discovery Education: Renaissance Art (Video)
- Discovery Education: Art & Artists (Video)
Resources: Books
Use Destiny to find books about your artist and his work. Use the Visual Search tab to locate books about Renaissance Artists.
Resources: Software
You will be using Google Classroom to submit a shared presentation about your artists and artwork.
Resources: Free Internet
Use the "Web Express" feature in Destiny and/or any of the following web sites:
- Web Gallery of Art
- WebMuseum Paris: Artist Index
- Life of an Artist
- Metropolitan
Museum of Art - Webmuseum-Italian Renaissance
Age of Encounter
The Age of Encounter
You will be using your knowledge of history to describe the impact of globalization in the 15th-17th centuries on a society of your choice. You will need to select a society and then use your research skills to identify the impact that global encounter had on the people of this society.
You may consider examining how your selected society changed politically, economically, culturally, socially, etc. as a result of globalization. You might also discuss things such as the Columbian Exchange, the development of Triangular Trade and/or Indian Ocean Trade Networks, and emergence of mercantilism.
Once you have identified the consequences of globalization for your society, you will need to craft an argumentative paper that describes the impact of globalization.
Resources: Databases
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
*The American Mosaic: The African American Experience
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*The American Mosaic: The Latino American Experience
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World At War: Understanding Conflict and Society
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World Geography: Understanding a Changing World
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World Religions: Belief, Culture & Controversy
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Cause & effect: The ancient Aztecs [ebook]
Cause & effect: Ancient China [ebook]
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the WebPath Express tab. Enter your keywords in the search bar or Browse by Subject links. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
- AP Economics: Poverty Project
- Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, Explorers
- Modern Africa
- Economics: Banking and Federal Reserve Project
- Economics: Corporate Profile
- Economics: Economists and Their Theory
- Economics: International Trade
- Economics: Research Project
- Final Review
- Medieval Towns and Cities
- Renaissance Art Research
- Research Question Article
- Photostory 3: Enlightenment
- Scientific Revolution: Annotated Bibliography
- French Revolution
- U.S. History Thesis
- U.S. Presidents
- Decades Wiki Project
- Medieval Letter Research Project
- Crew & the Ship
- Mings
AP Economics: Poverty Project
Resources: Databases
Use Destiny to search many SHS databases simultaneously. Make sure to explore the topic features in:
- Opposing Viewpoints: Critical Thinking
- Opposing Viewpoints in Context
- SIRS Researcher
Recommended Books
Go to Destiny. Click on Power search. Search by keyword. Check "include online resources." Online resources tab accesses database results. Library materials tab accesses book results.
Recommended Software
Use NoodleTools for parenthetical documentation and to create your "Works Cited" page. You may take notes electronically.
Resources: Free Internet
- Use the WebPath Express feature in Destiny to access free internet sites.
- Try searching Google Scholar for scholarly article results published on free websites.
- Try using Google search limiters to find websites from specific domains. For example, search "poverty AND healthcare site:gov" to get results for poverty and healthcare web sources specifically from government (.gov) sites.
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
- U.S. Department of Commerce: Census Bureau
Poverty and the inequitable distribution of wealth and resources is a given. What is important is to understand why it happens, how it affects society and what can be done about it. The purpose of studying poverty, or any topic for that matter, is not to condemn nor excuse it, but to ascertain the facts as well as to determine which solutions work and which ones do not achieve a degree of progress that will make the solution worthwhile.
The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will have one area of focus that they will research and then create a presentation that will be delivered to the rest of the class. Research will be done using the scientific method and quantification of data should be completed as carefully as possible. All assertions must be supported by solid factual evidence. Anecdotal evidence is fine, but you must demonstrate that it is the rule and not the exception.
What are the causes of poverty in the United States? What evidence demonstrates that these are the root causes and not merely the surface manifestations of poverty and inequality? What are the demographics of the poor? Who are they? What historical trends can be observed?
What programs and policies (public as well as private) have been used over the course of US history to address the problem? How successful have those attempts been? Which ones work for resolving the actual root causes? How many just address the surface issues? What has been done in other countries to address their issues of poverty and inequality? How successful have those programs been? Could something along these lines be done in the United States?
What issues exist in the United States in terms of healthcare and medical costs? What are the origins of the current practices and what are the positives and negatives? What have other countries done to address these same issues? What are the positives and negatives of those practices?
What are the effects of discrimination in the US economy? Consider the different forms of discrimination as well as statistical discrimination, in looking at its impact on the US economy. Also look at discriminatory practices over time and see what long term as well as current short term impact they have had. Are there certain industries, sectors of the economy, geographic regions or socio-economic areas where discrimination is more or less pronounced?
The questions posed are intended only as a starting point and not the entirety of the project. You must develop some of your own questions once you begin the research and delve into the topic. Each group will submit one 3-4 page written report (typed, double spaced in size 12 font) as well as a 20 minute presentation to the class. Each part of the project is worth 40 points.
Search Google effectively using the strategies you have been taught.
Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, Explorers
Age of Discovery - Aztec
Recommended Databases
- History Study Center
- Discovering Collection
- Student Research Center
- Biography Research Center
- History Reference Center
Recommended Books
Go to Athena. Click on Visual Search tab. Click on the Aztec icon to view a list of recommended titles.
Recommended Software
You will be using Microsoft Office PowerPoint as your presentation tool. You will be taking all your notes in the "note field."
Recommended Free Internet
Nahuatl Language of the Aztecs
Social Organization of the Aztecs
Lesson: Age of Exploration - Aztecs
You will be researching information about the Aztecs and their society. You will need to find out about their history as well as their culture. You will need to find out about where they came from, what they did, as well as what impact they had on their neighbors.
Moreover, you will need to find out about their culture. What religious practices did they follow? What was their system of writing and language: What did they contribute to the world (For what were they known?)
Each slide must include an image to support the descriptions of the topics below. Your PowerPoint presentation must include:
- 1. A map of their area
- 2. Description about their contributions and achievements
- 3. Description of their religion
- 4. Description of their lifestyle and how their community was organized
- 5. Description of their written language
- 6. Description of their weapons
- 7. Description of their food, clothing and housing
- 8. Description of their government
- 9. Description of their tools and technology
You must place the descriptions in the note field of your presentation, not on the slide.
Modern Africa
Economics: Banking and Federal Reserve Project
Resources: Databases
- Business & Company Resource Center
- Expanded Academic (link not currently available)
- Educator's Reference Complete
- Business Insights: Essentials
Resources: Books
Use Destiny to locate books. Click on Visual Search. Click on Banking and Federal Reserve icon.
Resources: Free Internet
- Federal Reserve Education Home
- History of the Banking Industry
- Industry Handbook: Banking
- Google Scholar:
- Google Finance:
Assignment: Banking and Federal Reserve Project
The purpose of this project is to enhance your understanding of the functions and purposes of a central bank (the Federal Reserve), how fractional reserve banking operates and also a current and significant issue, in banking today. The fiduciary system in the United States today is the product of experience as well as carefully crafted legislation to produce a system that ensures a stable money supply (and thus the stable purchasing power of the dollar) and ensure the potential for long term growth within the economy.
This project will require you to apply concepts learned in class to events that are occurring. Although economics as a discipline may appear abstract and theoretical, all of the concepts and ideas are based upon the analysis (often quantitative) of actual events. All economic models are the result of something that has happened.
Group 1 Bear Stearns and the credit crunch
- What has happened with credit in general?
- What happened at Bear Stearns in particular?
- Will there be any impact in commercial banking?
- Which parts of the market have been affected? Which have not?
Group 2 Federal Reserve policy
- What is the role of the Federal Reserve in the economy?
- What has the fed been doing recently/ which of its tools has it used?
- What indications has it given for future action?
Group 3 Banking industry/home mortgages
- How do mortgages work for both the borrowers and the lenders?
- What has been happening with mortgage foreclosures over the past year?
- What has caused (root causes) this to happen?
- How has this impacted banking and borrowers (people)?
- Is there a need for banking reform?
The questions posed are intended only as a starting point and not the entirety of the project. You must develop some of your own questions once you begin the research and delve into the topic. Each group will submit one 3-4 page written report (typed, double spaced in size 12 font) as well as a 20 minute presentation to the class. Each part of the project is worth 40 points.
Economics: Corporate Profile
Economics: Economists and Their Theory
Resources: Databases
Use Destiny to access online information about your economist. You may use any database, but the following are recommended:
- Academic OneFile
- Biography Reference Center
- Biography in Context
- Discovering Collection
- World History in Context
Resources: Books
Use Destiny to find books about your economist and his work. Use the e-Book link on the library page to access electronic books.
Resources: Software
You will be using Noodletools to create a "Works Cited" page. You may use any word processing program.
Resources: Free Internet
Use the "Web Express" feature in Destiny to locate recommended web sites about your economist.
Economics: International Trade
Recommended Databases
Recommended Books
Use Destiny to locate books on your topics
Recommended Software
Use Word to format a two column document for your video script.
Recommended Free Internet
Elements of a Video Script (Resource no longer available)
Research a topic in international trade with your partners. Your team will create a video broadcast showcasing your new knowledge.
Time line:
- Research
- Research
- Completion of Script
- Taping
Economics: Research Project
Economics Research Project
Apply analytical skills and economic knowledge you have developed towards analyzing a recent event or situation (Within the past five years if not current).
Resources: Databases
- Academic One File
- SIRS Researcher
- Discovery Education (videos, articles, images and more)
Resources: Online Newspapers
- Hartford Courant (1992- )
- Los Angeles Times (1985- )
- New York Times (1980- )
- Wall Street Journal (1984- )
- Washington Post (1987- )
Resources: Internet
- Best of the Best Business Websites : Economics
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- The Economist
Final Review
Assignment: Final Exam Review ~ Jeopardy
Recommended Databases
Recommended Books
Go to Destiny. Click on Visual Search. Click on the icons for any subject you studied this year in World Civilization.
Recommended Software
Use the Jeopardy Gameboard template after creating your questions and answers for the game.
Recommended Free Internet
Use the web links recommended from the database publishers.
- Directions for Creating a Jeopardy Game Board
- Storyboard for Jeopardy Game Board
- Jeopardy Game Board Template
Your team will construct a jeopardy game to help the class review for the final exam. There will be three different teams, each one with a different section from the final.
- Protestant Reformation / Scientific Revolution
- Enlightenment / English Civil War
- French Revolution
As a team, you will produce a Jeopardy game using the template on the network.
- Your game must be organized into five categories, just like the ones we have played in class. That means that all questions in a given column must have some connection among themselves.
- In addition all members of the groups must know the questions and answers so you can run the game effectively; knowing when some one has given you a correct versus an incorrect answer.
Game is together and can be played by June 3 ______/10 points
- nothing missing by end of class on June 3
- this is an all or nothing grade
Game is organized _____/ 40 points
- answers and questions match and are correct
- each category has a name (title)
- all questions in a category have a connection
- there is a final jeopardy question and answer
- two points off for each mistake
Team played a trial run of their game on June 4 ____/10 points
- this is an all or nothing grade
Game is appropriately challenging / helpful ____/30 points
- answers are not trivial
- clues are taken from review packet
- two points off for each answer/question that is trivial or poorly worded or confusing
Team members are knowledgeable _____/10 points
- all members know all questions and answers
- if an incorrect answer is given, team members know it without revealing the answer (other team gets a chance to steal)
- two points off for each time a team member fails to know a correct/incorrect answer
Total ____/100 points
Medieval Towns and Cities
Recommended Databases
The goal is to learn about how a town or city came to be, what resources it had, and what people did in it.
Towns/Cities to choose from:
London, Paris, Cologne, Genoa, Venice, Florence, Milan, Troyes, Brussels, Oxford, Amsterdam, Naples, Constantinople, Lyon, Chinon, Bruges
Information to discover:
What is near it (water, routes, physical characteristics):
Why was the city founded?
What types of trades/activities occurred there originally?
Are there any unique facts about the town/city?
Renaissance Art Research
- Renaissance Brochure Instructions
- Brochure Template
- Slides Brochure Printing Directions
- Renaissance Magazine Article
- Renaissance Artists News Presentation
- Developing a Research Question (Video)
- CARRDSS Method for Evaluating Sources (Video)
- How to Upload Photostory to Google Drive
Resources: Databases
Use Destiny to access online information about your artist. You may use any database, but the following are recommended:
- Biography in Context
- World History in Context
- Biography Reference Center
- Discovery Education: Renaissance Art (Video)
- Discovery Education: Art & Artists (Video)
Resources: Books
Use Destiny to find books about your artist and his work. Use the Visual Search tab to locate books about Renaissance Artists.
Resources: Free Internet
Use the WebPath Express feature in Destiny and/or any of the following web sites:
- Web Gallery of Art
- Google Cultural Institute
- WebMuseum Paris: Artist Index
- Life of an Artist
- Michelangelo (link currently not functioning)
- Metropolitan Museum of Art
- Webmuseum-Italian Renaissance
Research Question Article
Formulating a Research Question
This assignment builds off of the skills we have been developing on previous projects. This time you will formulate your own research question. The research question is what you are trying to find out or prove about your topic. Remember, a good research question is:
1) broad enough that it requires sustained research because it does not have a simple answer,
2) and it also drives the research itself because it encourages you to think about your topic in ways that lead to other questions that you will answer as part of answering the research question itself.
Your research question can come from any of the units we have done since the Renaissance, so you can choose a topic from:
- Age of Exploration / European sailors
- China
- Africa
- Reformation
- Scientific Revolution
Assignment Resources
- Research Questions Article
- Famous Scientists Assignment
- Developing a Research Question (Video)
- CARRDSS Evaluation Tip Sheet
- CARRDSS Rubric
Recommended Databases
- Biography in Context (ID = "School password")
- Daily Life Through History (username = shslibrary)
- World Book Online (username = simsburyps)
- World History in Context (ID = "School password")
Important Websites
Photostory 3: Enlightenment
Recommended Databases
- Biography in Context
- Daily Life Through History
- Discovering Collection
- U.S. History in Context
- World Book On-line Encyclopedia
Recommended Books
Go to Destiny. Search for books on your person or event.
Recommended Software
Use PhotoStory 3 to produce a movie that tells a story about the people and/or events you researched.
Recommended Free Internet
Use the links recommended by the databases.
Assignment: PhotoStory 3 Project
Scientific Revolution: Annotated Bibliography
Recommended Databases
Use Destiny to access online information for your annotated bibliography. You may use any database to locate your information, but the list below includes the various databases we have used thus far in the library media center.
- Biography in Context
- Daily Life Through History
- Discovering Collection
- U.S. History in Context
- World Book On-line Encyclopedia
Resources: Books
Use Destiny to find books in our library media center. Remember, you can get additional information about each book by clicking on the cover of the book.
Resources: Software
You will be using Noodletools to create your annotated bibliography. You will create citations and then complete the annotation by typing a brief summary about what information is in the source and why it is helpful to you, the researcher. Annotated bibliographies are not written in the first person, so no use of the pronoun "I."
Resources: Free Internet
Use the "Web Express" feature in Destiny to locate recommended web sites. You can also use any recommended sites from the databases as well as Google books and Google Scholar.
French Revolution
Recommended Databases
Recommended Books
Go to Destiny. Click on Visual Search. Click on the French Revolution icon.
Recommended Free Internet
Elements of a Video Script (ThinkMojo link no longer available)
Use the links recommended by the databases.
Working in small groups, you will compile, edit and present a "newscast" of something that might have been on the evening news at the time of the French Revolution itself, as well as the events leading up to and those proceeding from the revolution itself.
You could:
- Interview members of the Third Estate as they form the National Assembly
- Cover the storming of the Bastille
- Sit down for a one-on-one interview with Napoleon, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette or some other well known person
- Report on the progress of the war
The key is to use your imagination as well as apply your knowledge of the history of the time period.
Preparation: This is where I must sound a note of caution. A project like this has many small pieces (research, script, who will be doing what, etc) that need to be synchronized and planned for well in advance in order for the final product to be solid. Therefore it is important that all members of the group be clear on their assignments and faithfully executes them according to the prescribed timelines. When it is time to film, everything must be done and in place!
The pieces: Each group must have a script that clearly indicates who is saying what. The script must contain cues for any visuals, and the visuals must be saved in a separate file, preferably as a jpeg.
The proper format for the two files should be as follows:
- The script should be saved as last names of group members, per 3 script
- The images should be saved as last names of group members, per 3 images
Thurs.5/29 Scripts and Images are done, ready to film ____10 points (This is an all or nothing grade)
Fri. 5/30 through Wed. 6/4 Film your segment ____/10 points (This is an all or nothing grade)
Thur. 6/5 1) Turn in one completed script per group _____/35 points
(These points will be the grade for the script itself, not the fact that it was handed in on time)
{10% will be taken of for each day script is late}
2) Editing video
Frid. 6/6 Enjoy watching video _____/40 points
Video itself is worth the 40 points
U.S. History Thesis
U.S. History Thesis
Resources: Databases
Gale Virtual Reference Library: Navigate to --> Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: Government and Politics
- Introduction to the Gilded Age
- The Gilded Age
- Introduction to the Progressive Era
- The Progressive Era
Discovery Education – Video database; you will have to log in
Databases: iCONN
U.S. History in Context – Browse topics or use a keyword search. This database includes reference sources, primary sources, news items, featured content, videos, audio file, images and related topics.
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "Public List" tab. Click on the "U.S. History Thesis" list. Click on the "library materials" tab on the top right of your desktop. You will then see titles of recommended books.
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "Public List" tab. Click on the "U.S. History Thesis" list. Click on the "Online Resources" tab on the top right of your desktop. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
American Memory Timeline (Library of Congress) (Link currently unavailable)
Access to Archival Databases - The National Archives (Primary Sources)
The Digital History - An Online American History Textbook
Links are in chronological order, so scroll down past “Reconstruction.”
Links are in chronological order, so scroll down to #36 Gilded Age through #47 Old Values vs. New Values.
Click on the “Online Resources” tab in the “U.S. History Thesis” resource list in Destiny for other useful web resources.
Additional web sites:
- Votes for Women American Memory (Library of Congress)
- Suffrage History
- Ending Jim Crow (Resource no longer available)
- Temperance and Prohibition
- The Presidents of the United States
- Presidents of the United States (POTUS) Resource no longer available
U.S. History Thesis Guidelines*
*Please print as DUPLEX or DOUBLE-SIDED!*
U.S. Presidents
Resources: Databases
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Click on Resource List titled Presidents. Click on the "library materials" tab.
Resources: Software
You will be using PowerPoint to create a Face Book page. Use the note field for your narrative. Use Noodletools to create a "Works Cited" page, then copy and paste the "Works Cited" page onto a slide.
Resources: Free Internet
- Click on Destiny. Click on Resource List titled Presidents. Click on "Web Express" tab.
- Library of Congress
- POTUS - Presidents of the United States (resources no longer available)
- The White House
- Find a Grave
- Biographies of the First Ladies of the United States
Decades Wiki Project
Your group will be creating a Google Presentation and wiki page on a selected decade. Use the resources below to help with research and note-taking.
Resources: Databases
- Salem History -Includes Milestone Documents, Decades, and Great Events Through History.
- SIRS Decades
- Pop Culture Universe: Decades
- American History
- US History In Context
Recommended Books:
Go to Destiny. Click on Power search. Search by keyword.
Recommended Software
- Use WikiSpaces (link no longer available) to create your group's wiki page. Log in with the same student ID and password that you use to log into school computers.
- Use NoodleTools for parenthetical documentation and to create your group "Works Cited" page. You may take notes electronically using the notecard feature.
- Use Google Docs to create your group presentation.
- Insert videos by searching YouTube for historical, cultural and music videos to embed within your Google Presentation.
Medieval Letter Research Project
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the appropriate medieval list. You will then see titles of recommended books.
Resources: Databases
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
World Book Student Online Encyclopedia
(username: simsburyps)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "public list" tab. Click on the appropriate list. Click on the "online resources" tab on the top right of your desktop. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Comprehensive sites / General indexes
- Not Everyone Lived in a Castle Many people think of the Middle Ages as a romantic time when gallant knights rescued lovely damsels in distress and everyone lived in castles. But that's only one small facet of the picture.
- Eye Witness-The Middle Ages and Renaissance History through the eyes of those who lived it.
Philosophy / The Church/ Religion
- The Keepers of the Knowledge Monks and nuns played many roles, but perhaps the most significant and far-reaching role was that of the keepers of knowledge.
Castles / Knights / Chivalry
- Castles on the Web Glossary of terms
- Castles on the Web: Photo Archive - English Castles is an image gallery of English castles. Some include brief historical facts about the castle. Beware to cite the image and look for modern conventions (i.e. cars, modern houses, people in modern clothing) to evaluate a photo before using it.
- Castle Learning Center includes sections on castle types, construction, and daily life.
- Chivalry Chivalry is derived through the French chevalfrom the Latin caballus. The knight or chevalier was the professional soldier of the time.
- Medieval Siege This is the companion Web site to the NOVA program which broadcasted on January 24, 2006. In the film, which is a part of the NOVA series,Secrets of Lost Empires, a team of timber framers and other specialists design, build, and fire a pair of trebuchets, a devastating engine of war popular in the Middle Ages.
- Life in a Castle Professor Richard Holmes, a British military historian featured in the NOVA film "Medieval Siege," talks here about everyday life in a medieval English castle, giving a sense of how lords and ladies, archers and engineers, cooks and carpenters lived their lives behind castle walls.
Daily Life
- Middle Ages: What was it like to live in the Middle Ages? The pageantry and the peasantry. An online exhibit inspired by a video series on the Western Tradition.
- Medieval English Towns History of several particular towns, plus a great bunch of links to other boroughs, background on medieval towns, fiefdoms and daily life.
- GodeCookery.Com This site includes authentic recipes for beverages, breads, cakes, pastries, cheese, dairy, eggs, desserts, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, pastas, meat, nuts, poultry, soups and sauces.
- Medieval Gastronomy Online exhibition from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- Laws and Punishment The basic principle of the law was that 'denial is always stronger than accusation', so, in most cases, the defendant would be allowed to bring forward an oath to prove his innocence. (Resource no longer available)
Science / Technology / Warfare
- Secrets of Lost Empires: Medieval Siege Companion site to the PBS Nova program. Learn about the trebuchet and other weapons.
- The Black Death During the Medieval period the plague went by several names, the most common being "the Pestilence" and "The Great Mortality ".
- The Plague Scientific Causes of the Black Plague
- Norton Topics Online: Middle Ages | 16th C. | Early 17th C. The "texts and contexts" of English literature of the three periods.
- Guide to Medieval and Renaissance (Musical) Instruments Pictures, descriptions, background, sound samples
- Medieval Drama An article on the origin and development of drama during the Middle Ages.
- Medieval Literature information about the Medieval authors, poets, and books
You will need to know where people lived, i.e. a manor, town or castle, to be able to describe what their home and daily life was like. Click here to see a list of where people lived. Determine whether the person was a commoner or a noble.
Crew & the Ship
Assignment: The Crew and the Ship
You will be researching information about what the life of a sailor was like during the Age of Exploration (1200'2-early 1600's). You will want to find out about what it was like to be sailing on the ship, how you would have spent your time, what kind of training and knowledge you needed to be a sailor, as well as why you became a sailor.
You will also be researching the boats that they used. You will need to know the names of the different types of sailing vessels as well as what their characteristics were. You will need to find out what equipment was on board, as well as the size and layout of the ship.
Your power point presentation will include:
- Pictures / drawings of the actual ships (labeled if possible)
- Imagers showing the layout of the ships
- Pictures / descriptions of equipment the crew required for sailing
- Descriptions of the foods sailors ate while they were at sea, including the variety and quantities.
- How sailors spent their time on boards--what were their duties, what did they do for free time, what were their quarters like
- Explanation of why people became sailors
- Definitions of all terminology used
The Mariners' Museum Age of Exploration On-line Curriculum Guide
For pictures of the interiors and exteriors of ships, food and activities on ship go here
Age of Discovery: Mings
Recommended Databases
Recommended Books
Go to Destiny. Click on Visual Search tab. Click on the Ming icon to view a list of recommended titles.
Recommended Software
You will be using Microsoft Office PowerPoint as your presentation tool. You will be taking all your notes in the "note field."
Recommended Free Internet
Condensed China: Chinese History for Beginners An overview of Chinese history, from the origins of Chinese civilization through the early 1990s. Includes bibliography.
A Visual Sourcebook of Chinese Civilization "The goal of this 'visual sourcebook' is to add to the material teachers can use to help their students understand Chinese history, culture, and society." Features a timeline with links to information and images, and essays on topics such as ancient tombs, Buddhism, clothing, and gardens. Includes maps, discussion questions, and bibliographies. From the University of Washington.
Daily Life in Ancient Civilizations Provides basic information and links for the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China, and the Pacific Northwest Coastal Indians, with an additional section on Early Man. The information is suitable for elementary students, and there are lesson plans and classroom activities for teachers. Created by two social studies teachers.
Lesson: Age of Exploration - Mings
You will be researching information about the Mings and their society. You will need to find out about their history as well as their culture. You will need to find out about where they came from, what they did, as well as what impact they had on their neighbors.
Moreover, you will need to find out about their culture. What religious practices did they follow? What was their system of writing and language: What did they contribute to the world (For what were they known?)
Each slide must include an image to support the descriptions of the topics below. Your PowerPoint presentation must include:
- A map of their area
- Description about their contributions and achievements
- Description of their religion
- Description of their lifestyle and how their community was organized
- Description of their written language
- Description of their weapons
- Description of their food, clothing and housing
- Description of their government
- Description of their tools and technology
You must place the descriptions in the note field of your presentation, not on the slide.
Historical Diary Research Project
- Project Assignment (LI)
- Topic Proposal Form (LI)
- Notecards Mini-Rubric (LI)
- Bibliography Mini-Rubric (LI)
- Final Project Rubric (L1)
- Project Assignment (L2)
- Topic Proposal Form (L2)
- Notecards Mini-Rubric (L2)
- Bibliography Mini-Rubric (L2)
- Final Project Rubric (L2)
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the individual list links to view titles of recommended books.
Resources: Databases
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
World Book Student Online Encyclopedia
(username: simsburyps)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "public list" tab. Click on the appropriate list. Click on the "online resources" tab on the top right of your desktop. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Comprehensive sites / General indexes
- Not Everyone Lived in a Castle Many people think of the Middle Ages as a romantic time when gallant knights rescued lovely damsels in distress and everyone lived in castles. But that's only one small facet of the picture.
- Eye Witness-The Middle Ages and RenaissanceHistory through the eyes of those who lived it.
Philosophy / The Church/ Religion
- The Keepers of the Knowledge Monks and nuns played many roles, but perhaps the most significant and far-reaching role was that of the keepers of knowledge.
Castles / Knights / Chivalry
- Castles on the Web Glossary of terms
- Castles on the Web: Photo Archive - English Castles is an image gallery of English castles. Some include brief historical facts about the castle. Beware to cite the image and look for modern conventions (i.e. cars, modern houses, people in modern clothing) to evaluate a photo before using it.
- Castle Learning Center includes sections on castle types, construction, and daily life.
- Chivalry Chivalry is derived through the French cheval from the Latin caballus. The knight or chevalier was the professional soldier of the time.
- Medieval Siege This is the companion Web site to the NOVA program which broadcasted on January 24, 2006. In the film, which is a part of the NOVA series, Secrets of Lost Empires, a team of timber framers and other specialists design, build, and fire a pair of trebuchets, a devastating engine of war popular in the Middle Ages.
- Life in a Castle Professor Richard Holmes, a British military historian featured in the NOVA film "Medieval Siege," talks here about everyday life in a medieval English castle, giving a sense of how lords and ladies, archers and engineers, cooks and carpenters lived their lives behind castle walls.
Daily Life
- Middle Ages: What was it like to live in the Middle Ages? The pageantry and the peasantry. An online exhibit inspired by a video series on the Western Tradition.
- Medieval English Towns History of several particular towns, plus a great bunch of links to other boroughs, background on medieval towns, fiefdoms and daily life.
- GodeCookery.Com This site includes authentic recipes for beverages, breads, cakes, pastries, cheese, dairy, eggs, desserts, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, pastas, meat, nuts, poultry, soups and sauces.
- Medieval Gastronomy Online exhibition from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- Laws and Punishment The basic principle of the law was that 'denial is always stronger than accusation', so, in most cases, the defendant would be allowed to bring forward an oath to prove his innocence. (Resource no longer available)
Science / Technology / Warfare
- Secrets of Lost Empires: Medieval Siege Companion site to the PBS Nova program. Learn about the trebuchet and other weapons.
- The Black Death During the Medieval period the plague went by several names, the most common being "the Pestilence" and "The Great Mortality ".
- The Plague Scientific Causes of the Black Plague
- Norton Topics Online: Middle Ages | 16th C. | Early 17th C. The "texts and contexts" of English literature of the three periods.
- Guide to Medieval and Renaissance (Musical) Instruments Pictures, descriptions, background, sound samples
- Medieval Drama An article on the origin and development of drama during the Middle Ages.
- Medieval Literature information about the Medieval authors, poets, and books
You will need to know where people lived, i.e. a manor, town or castle, to be able to describe what their home and daily life was like. Click here to see a list of where people lived. Determine whether the person was a commoner or a noble.
Age of Encounter
The Age of Encounter
You will be using your knowledge of history to describe the impact of globalization in the 15th-17th centuries on a society of your choice. You will need to select a society and then use your research skills to identify the impact that global encounter had on the people of this society.
You may consider examining how your selected society changed politically, economically, culturally, socially, etc. as a result of globalization. You might also discuss things such as the Columbian Exchange, the development of Triangular Trade and/or Indian Ocean Trade Networks, and emergence of mercantilism.
Once you have identified the consequences of globalization for your society, you will need to craft an argumentative paper that describes the impact of globalization.
Resources: Databases
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
*The American Mosaic: The African American Experience
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*The American Mosaic: The Latino American Experience
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World At War: Understanding Conflict and Society
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World Geography: Understanding a Changing World
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
*World Religions: Belief, Culture & Controversy
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/10/20)
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Cause & effect: The ancient Aztecs [ebook]
Cause & effect: Ancient China [ebook]
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the WebPath Express tab. Enter your keywords in the search bar or Browse by Subject links. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Mesoamerican Societies
The Aztec, Inca and Maya
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the individual list links to view titles of recommended books.
Cause & effect: The ancient Aztecs [ebook]
Cause & effect: The ancient Mayans [ebook]
Resources: Databases
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the WebPath Express tab. Enter your keywords in the search bar or Browse by Subject links. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
- Ancient Mexico: maps, gods, conquest, timelines, history (Link no longer available.)
- The Aztecs/ Mexicas
- Nahuatal Culture
- Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico Accounts of the first meeting between Cortez and Montezuma and of the Tenochtitlan massacre, from 'The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico' (Beacon Press 1962). Part of Prof. Paul Halsall's Internet History Sourcebooks.
- Maya Ruins - Provides and overview of the extent of Mayan Territory; it also includes photos, maps, and historical information.
- Mesoweb: An Exploration of Mesoamerican Cultures This site is "devoted to ancient Mesoamerica and its cultures: the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Teotihuacano, Toltec, Mixtec, Zapotec and others." Find photos, map, animations, videos, rubbings of Maya sculptures, and an illustrated encyclopedia.
- Collapse of the Maya Civilization - A site full of information over the collapse of the Mayan civilization. (Link no longer available.)
- Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations - This site compares and contrasts several different mesoamerican civilizations.
- Ancient Civilizations - A general overview of different ancient civilizations.
- Ancient Greek Orientation
- Ancient Rome/Time Capsule
- Medieval
- Renaissance Artists
- U.S. History Thesis
Ancient Greek Orientation
Resources: Recommended Databases
Search Destiny to locate databases which contain your term. The following are recommended:
Recommended Book
The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy by E.D. Hirsch REF 973.03 HIR
Recommended Software
You will be using Noodletools to create a citation and print out a "works cited" page.
Resources: Free Internet
- Follow the links recommended by Destiny OR
- Search Google using this phrase etymology of (your term) OR
- Use the Online Etymology Dictionary
Ancient Rome/Time Capsule
Time Capsule on the Roman Empire (PowerPoint)
Recommended Books:Use Destiny to search for books on your topic. Use the Resource list in Destiny to locate recommended titles.
Recommended Databases:
1. Daily Life Through History
2. History Resource Center
Recommended Software:
Use Noodletools to create a "Works Cited" page. Use the One Search feature in Destiny to search all our databases.
Recommended Internet Sites:
Use the Resource list in Destiny to access recommended web sites. Use the Web Express feature of Destiny to search other web sites. Use these web sites on Ancient Rome
Assignment: Introduction
It is 476 and Rome is under attack from the Visigoths. Emperor Romulus Augustolus has given you the task of preserving Roman artifacts. You'll need to obtain pictures of artifacts that tell you something about life in the Roman Empire. He also wants biographies of famous Roman rulers. Once you gather these artifacts you will place them in a time capsule which will be buried in the center of the city with the hope that future generations will uncover it and be able to appreciate all the glory of the Roman Empire. Emperor Romulus has emphasized that all things selected must be good examples of Rome's past; therefore you will need to justify your selection. If you cannot do this task you will be sent to the front lines to face the Visigoths. You must not fail your emperor. Infantry duty awaits.
- You will work in a group to create a time capsule containing artifacts from the Roman Empire. Your time capsule is in the form of a PowerPoint presentation.
- As a group you will discuss your virtual time capsule with the class and justify all the artifacts presented in your virtual time capsule. In your justification, you might want to include information about some of topics listed below.
Definition: An artifact is a relic, a work of art, an object that is representative of a civilization. You cannot find the real artifact but you can find a picture of an artifact.
Technology Tips:
- Have a title slide with the names of the group members.
- Have at least one picture of one artifact per slide.
- Limit text to labeling of picture.
- Create notes in the note field for each slide for your group presentation to the class so that you can use to justify why you included the artifact in the time capsule.
- Have at least ten (10) artifact slides for each group that is working on one of the following categories.
- Political Achievements
- Roman Society
- Roman Economy and Technology
- Roman Culture, Art and Music
- Religion
You will need to export and print a "Works Cited" page using Noodletools as a source citation tool.
Potential presentation information for Political Achievements
Political achievements include: war, maps, emperors, and laws. Political achievement is about government. Give a brief biography of a famous ruler stating what makes them significant and the dates that they ruled.
Describe an important battle and state why it is important.
Potential presentation information for Roman Society
Society includes how people lived: food, clothing, and housing. Society includes what people do for fun and what they do for work. Describe popular forms of Roman entertainment. Your description should include sports and games. Describe the social classes. Describe food. Describe clothing. Describe housing. Describe the different experiences of boys and girls growing up concerning expectations, jobs, education.
Potential presentation information for Roman Economy and Technology
Economy includes money, buying and selling, and trading. Describe life in Rome and tell why it was a wealthy city. Describe what products were traded, describe trade routes and state the countries traded with the Roman Empire. Find examples of money
Potential presentation information for Roman Culture, Art and Music
Describe how Roman sculptures were made in terms of material and technique. Include the different subjects of the sculptures. Include a Roman painting. Include examples of Latin literature. Include an example of Roman architecture. Find out about Roman glass. Describe Roman music.
Potential presentation information for Religion
Describe Roman mythology. Find out about gods and goddesses. Include information about religious rituals. Describe the Pantheon's architectural features and why it was built
Medieval Project (Middle Ages Snapshot)
Resources: Databases
- Daily Life Through History
- Marshall Cavendish: Ancient and Medieval World and Exploring the Middle Ages
- World Book Student Online Encyclopedia
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the appropriate medieval list. You will then see titles of recommended books.
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "public list" tab. Click on the appropriate medieval list. Click on the "online resources" tab on the top right of your desktop. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Comprehensive sites / General indexes
- NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources (link no longer available) A "meta-index" of Internet resources. Over 1400 links in more than a dozen categories.
- Not Everyone Lived in a Castle Many people think of the Middle Ages as a romantic time when gallant knights rescued lovely damsels in distress and everyone lived in castles. But that's only one small facet of the picture.
- Eye Witness-The Middle Ages and RenaissanceHistory through the eyes of those who lived it.
Philosophy / The Church/ Religion
- The End of Europe's Middle Ages The economic, political, religious and intellectual environment of the 14th and 15th centuries: trade routes, black death, feudalism, chivalry, Crusades, troubadours, and much more. Good coverage of eastern Europe.
- Monastic Life (link no longer available) Monasteries were places where men could go and devote their entire life to God.
- The Keepers of the Knowledge Monks and nuns played many roles, but perhaps the most significant and far-reaching role was that of the keepers of knowledge.
Castles / Knights / Chivalry
- Castles on the Web Glossary of terms
- Castle Learning Center includes sections on castle types, construction, and daily life.
- Chivalry Chivalry is derived through the French cheval from the Latin caballus. The knight or chevalier was the professional soldier of the time.
- Medieval Siege This is the companion Web site to the NOVA program which broadcasted on January 24, 2006. In the film, which is a part of the NOVA series, Secrets of Lost Empires, a team of timber framers and other specialists design, build, and fire a pair of trebuchets, a devastating engine of war popular in the Middle Ages.
- Life in a Castle Professor Richard Holmes, a British military historian featured in the NOVA film "Medieval Siege," talks here about everyday life in a medieval English castle, giving a sense of how lords and ladies, archers and engineers, cooks and carpenters lived their lives behind castle walls.
Daily Life
- Middle Ages: What was it like to live in the Middle Ages? The pageantry and the peasantry. An online exhibit inspired by a video series on the Western Tradition.
- Medieval English Towns History of several particular towns, plus a great bunch of links to other boroughs, background on medieval towns, fiefdoms and daily life.
- GodeCookery.Com This site includes authentic recipes for beverages, breads, cakes, pastries, cheese, dairy, eggs, desserts, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, pastas, meat, nuts, poultry, soups and sauces.
- Medieval Gastronomy Online exhibition from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- Footwear of the Middle Ages (link no longer available)To the end of the 16th C.
- Laws and Punishment The basic principle of the law was that 'denial is always stronger than accusation', so, in most cases, the defendant would be allowed to bring forward an oath to prove his innocence. (Resource no longer available.)
Science / Technology / Warfare
- Secrets of Lost Empires: Medieval Siege Companion site to the PBS Nova program. Learn about the trebuchet and other weapons.
- The Black Death During the Medieval period the plague went by several names, the most common being "the Pestilence" and "The Great Mortality ".
- The Plague Scientific Causes of the Black Plague
- Norton Topics Online: Middle Ages | 16th C. | Early 17th C. The "texts and contexts" of English literature of the three periods.
- Guide to Medieval and Renaissance (Musical) Instruments Pictures, descriptions, background, sound samples
- Medieval Drama An article on the origin and development of drama during the Middle Ages.
- Medieval Literature information about the Medieval authors, poets, and books
Historical Fiction…Everyday snapshots of a Medieval Culture
Grading Rationale for Everyday snapshot of a Medieval Culture
You will need to know where people lived, i.e. a manor, town or castle, to be able to describe what their home and daily life was like. Click here to see a list of where people lived. Determine whether the person was a commoner or a noble.
Medieval Occupations
Renaissance Artists
Resources: Databases
Use Destiny to access online information about your artist. You may use any database, but the following are recommended:
- Discovering Collection
- Biography Resource Center
- Marshall Cavendish (Resource no longer available)
Resources: Books
Use Destiny to find books about your artist and his work. Use the Visual Search tab to locate books about Renaissance Artists.
Resources: Software
You will be using Microsoft Publisher to create a double sided, single page brochure. You may not hand in 2 separate pages.
Resources: Free Internet
Use the "Web Express" feature in Destiny and/or any of the following web sites:
- WebMuseum Paris: Artist Index
- Web Gallery of Art
- Life of an Artist
- Metropolitan
Museum of Art - Webmuseum-Italian Renaissance
U.S. History Thesis
U.S. History Thesis
Resources: Databases
Gale Virtual Reference Library: Navigate to --> Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: Government and Politics
- Introduction to the Gilded Age
- The Gilded Age
- Introduction to the Progressive Era
- The Progressive Era
Discovery Education – Video database; you will have to log in
Databases: iCONN
U.S. History in Context – Browse topics or use a keyword search. This database includes reference sources, primary sources, news items, featured content, videos, audio file, images and related topics.
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "Public List" tab. Click on the "U.S. History Thesis" list. Click on the "library materials" tab on the top right of your desktop. You will then see titles of recommended books.
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "Public List" tab. Click on the "U.S. History Thesis" list. Click on the "Online Resources" tab on the top right of your desktop. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
American Memory Timeline (Library of Congress) (Link currently unavailable)
Access to Archival Databases - The National Archives (Primary Sources)
Links are in chronological order, so scroll down to #36 Gilded Age through #47 Old Values vs. New Values.
Click on the “Online Resources” tab in the “U.S. History Thesis” resource list in Destiny for other useful web resources.
Additional web sites:
- Votes for Women American Memory (Library of Congress)
- Ending Jim Crow (resource no longer available)
- Temperance and Prohibition
- The Presidents of the United States
- Presidents of the United States (POTUS) Resource no longer available
U.S. History Thesis Guidelines*
*Please print as DUPLEX or DOUBLE-SIDED!*
Age of Exploration
The Age of Exploration
You will need to determine the varying reasons for why nations explore foreign lands. Your task is to compare and contrast the reasons for two separate nations in their explorations during the 15th and 16th Centuries. Your approach should include, but not be limited to, Political, Economic, Religious, Intellectual, and Cultural reasons for the countries’ explorations. You will choose to compare and contrast two out of the following 15th and 16th Century Seafaring Nations: China, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, England, and France. You must include a list of works cited that contain at least four sources with at least one of each of the following: print source, website source, database source.
Resources: Databases
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
World History Collection
(ID="school password")
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the WebPath Express tab. Enter your keywords in the search bar or Browse by Subject links. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Civics Thesis
Issues of Social Justice in American Society
You will write an argumentative essay of 6 paragraphs (typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font) that is intended to argue an issue that is critical to the progress of our nation. In the essay, you will provide a brief history of this issue and provide possible solutions. Your position must be supported with in-depth research and use formal language to convey your message. You must include a list of works cited that contain at least six sources with at least one of each of the following: print source, website source, database source.
Assignment: Research Paper Assignment 2021
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Recommended Databases
Forgot a database password? Click here!
Improve Searches Using Boolean Operators
American Government
(username: shslibrary)
American History
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(Username: shslibrary)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID = "school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username: simsburyhs)
Online Resources
You can search for suggested academic websites related to your chosen topic by using the WebPath Express feature in Destiny.
CARRDSS Website Evaluation (video)
Note-Taking Strategy & Example (video)
Note-Taking Strategy (PDF)
Mesoamerican Societies
The Aztec, Inca and Maya
- Assignment
- Note-Taking Strategy
- Sample Notecard
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the individual list links to view titles of recommended books.
Cause & effect: The ancient Aztecs [ebook]
Cause & effect: The ancient Mayans [ebook]
Resources: Databases
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the WebPath Express tab. Enter your keywords in the search bar or Browse by Subject links. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
- Ancient Mexico: maps, gods, conquest, timelines, history (Link no longer available.)
- The Aztecs/ Mexicas
- Social Organization of the Aztecs (Link no longer available)
- Nahuatal Culture
- Aztec Warfare (Link no longer available)
- Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico Accounts of the first meeting between Cortez and Montezuma and of the Tenochtitlan massacre, from 'The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico' (Beacon Press 1962). Part of Prof. Paul Halsall's Internet History Sourcebooks.
- Maya Ruins - Provides and overview of the extent of Mayan Territory; it also includes photos, maps, and historical information.
- Mesoweb: An Exploration of Mesoamerican Cultures This site is "devoted to ancient Mesoamerica and its cultures: the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Teotihuacano, Toltec, Mixtec, Zapotec and others." Find photos, map, animations, videos, rubbings of Maya sculptures, and an illustrated encyclopedia.
- Collapse of the Maya Civilization - A site full of information over the collapse of the Mayan civilization. (Link no longer available.)
- Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations - This site compares and contrasts several different mesoamerican civilizations.
- Ancient Civilizations - A general overview of different ancient civilizations.
Civics Thesis
Issues of Social Justice in American Society
You will write an argumentative essay of 6 paragraphs (typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font) that is intended to argue an issue that is critical to the progress of our nation. In the essay, you will provide a brief history of this issue and provide possible solutions. Your position must be supported with in-depth research and use formal language to convey your message. You must include a list of works cited that contain at least six sources with at least one of each of the following: print source, website source, database source.
Assignment: Research Paper Assignment 2021
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Recommended Databases
Forgot a database password? Click here!
Improve Searches Using Boolean Operators
American Government
(username: shslibrary)
American History
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(Username: shslibrary)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID = "school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username: simsburyhs)
Online Resources
You can search for suggested academic websites related to your chosen topic by using the WebPath Express feature in Destiny.
CARRDSS Website Evaluation (video)
Note-Taking Strategy & Example (video)
Note-Taking Strategy (PDF)
Central & South Americas
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the individual list links to view titles of recommended books.
Resources: Databases
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the WebPath Express tab. Enter your keywords in the search bar or Browse by Subject links. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Historical Diary Research Project
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the individual list links to view titles of recommended books.
Resources: Databases
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
World Book Student Online Encyclopedia
(username: simsburyps)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "public list" tab. Click on the appropriate list. Click on the "online resources" tab on the top right of your desktop. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Comprehensive sites / General indexes
- Not Everyone Lived in a Castle Many people think of the Middle Ages as a romantic time when gallant knights rescued lovely damsels in distress and everyone lived in castles. But that's only one small facet of the picture.
- Eye Witness-The Middle Ages and Renaissance History through the eyes of those who lived it.
Philosophy / The Church/ Religion
- The Keepers of the Knowledge Monks and nuns played many roles, but perhaps the most significant and far-reaching role was that of the keepers of knowledge.
Castles / Knights / Chivalry
- Castles on the Web Glossary of terms
- Castles on the Web: Photo Archive - English Castles is an image gallery of English castles. Some include brief historical facts about the castle. Beware to cite the image and look for modern conventions (i.e. cars, modern houses, people in modern clothing) to evaluate a photo before using it.
- Castle Learning Center includes sections on castle types, construction, and daily life.
- Chivalry Chivalry is derived through the French cheval from the Latin caballus. The knight or chevalier was the professional soldier of the time.
- Medieval Siege This is the companion Web site to the NOVA program which broadcasted on January 24, 2006. In the film, which is a part of the NOVA series, Secrets of Lost Empires, a team of timber framers and other specialists design, build, and fire a pair of trebuchets, a devastating engine of war popular in the Middle Ages.
- Life in a Castle Professor Richard Holmes, a British military historian featured in the NOVA film "Medieval Siege," talks here about everyday life in a medieval English castle, giving a sense of how lords and ladies, archers and engineers, cooks and carpenters lived their lives behind castle walls.
Daily Life
- Middle Ages: What was it like to live in the Middle Ages? The pageantry and the peasantry. An online exhibit inspired by a video series on the Western Tradition.
- Medieval English Towns History of several particular towns, plus a great bunch of links to other boroughs, background on medieval towns, fiefdoms and daily life.
- GodeCookery.Com This site includes authentic recipes for beverages, breads, cakes, pastries, cheese, dairy, eggs, desserts, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, pastas, meat, nuts, poultry, soups and sauces.
- Medieval Gastronomy Online exhibition from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- Laws and Punishment The basic principle of the law was that 'denial is always stronger than accusation', so, in most cases, the defendant would be allowed to bring forward an oath to prove his innocence. (Resource no longer available)
Science / Technology / Warfare
- Secrets of Lost Empires: Medieval Siege Companion site to the PBS Nova program. Learn about the trebuchet and other weapons.
- The Black Death During the Medieval period the plague went by several names, the most common being "the Pestilence" and "The Great Mortality ".
- The Plague Scientific Causes of the Black Plague
- Norton Topics Online: Middle Ages | 16th C. | Early 17th C. The "texts and contexts" of English literature of the three periods.
- Guide to Medieval and Renaissance (Musical) Instruments [link no longer available] Pictures, descriptions, background, sound samples
- Medieval Drama An article on the origin and development of drama during the Middle Ages.
- Medieval Literature Information about the Medieval authors, poets, and books
You will need to know where people lived, i.e. a manor, town or castle, to be able to describe what their home and daily life was like. Click here to see a list of where people lived. Determine whether the person was a commoner or a noble.
Thesis Paper
Issues of American Citizenship
You will write a 4-6 page argumentative essay (typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font) that is intended to argue an issue that is critical to the progress of our nation. In the essay, you will provide a brief history of this issue and provide possible solutions. Your position must be supported with in-depth research and use formal language to convey your message. You must include a list of works cited that contain at least six sources with at least one of each of the following: print source, website source, database source.
Assignment: Research Paper Assignment 2019
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Recommended Databases
Daily Life Through History
(Username: shslibrary)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID = "school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username: shslibrary)
American Government
(username: shslibrary)
American History
(username: shslibrary)
Research in Context
(ID = "school password")
Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society
(Ask teacher or library media specialist for log-in)
SIRS Discoverer
(Ask teacher or library media specialist for log-in)
Online Resources
You can search for suggested academic websites related to your chosen topic by using the WebPath Express feature in Destiny.
CARRDSS Website Evaluation (video)
Mesoamerican Societies
The Aztec, Inca and Maya
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the individual list links to view titles of recommended books.
Cause & effect: The ancient Aztecs [ebook]
Cause & effect: The ancient Mayans [ebook]
Resources: Databases
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the WebPath Express tab. Enter your keywords in the search bar or Browse by Subject links. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
- Ancient Mexico: maps, gods, conquest, timelines, history (Link no longer available.)
- The Aztecs/ Mexicas
- Social Organization of the Aztecs (link no longer available)
- Nahuatal Culture
- Aztec Warfare (link no longer available)
- Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico Accounts of the first meeting between Cortez and Montezuma and of the Tenochtitlan massacre, from 'The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico' (Beacon Press 1962). Part of Prof. Paul Halsall's Internet History Sourcebooks.
- Maya Ruins - Provides and overview of the extent of Mayan Territory; it also includes photos, maps, and historical information.
- Mesoweb: An Exploration of Mesoamerican Cultures This site is "devoted to ancient Mesoamerica and its cultures: the Olmec, Maya, Aztec, Teotihuacano, Toltec, Mixtec, Zapotec and others." Find photos, map, animations, videos, rubbings of Maya sculptures, and an illustrated encyclopedia.
- Collapse of the Maya Civilization - A site full of information over the collapse of the Mayan civilization. (Link no longer available.)
- Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations - This site compares and contrasts several different mesoamerican civilizations.
- Ancient Civilizations - A general overview of different ancient civilizations.
- Interwar Research Project
- Medieval Research Project
- Middle East Thesis Paper
- Roman Emperors Presentation
- Civics Thesis
- Participatory Democracy
Interwar Research Project
Interwar Research Project
World War I was an event that changed the way that people in many nations thought about a number of different things. After the war, some people wanted to remember the war in order to prevent it from happening again. Other people preferred to distract themselves with new ideas in the sciences, art, music, and with cultural movements that they believed would move the world forward, rather than looking back. This assignment will require you to perform research and write a short thesis paper regarding developments in science, art, music, or culture that took place during the Interwar Period.
Recommended Databases
- American History - Search Eras: A Nation in Transition, 1920-1939
- Biography in Context - Search for important entertainers, athletes, writers and musicians
- Pop Culture Universe - Search Decades: 1910s, 1920s and 1930s
- Salem History - Search Decades: 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s
- Science in Context - Search for science, medical and technology topics
- U.S. History in Context - Browse topics (ex. 1930s) or use Advanced Search
- World History in Context - Browse topics (ex. World War I) or use Advanced Search
Recommended Websites
- NoodleTools
- Turnitin
- The Library of Congress: American Memory
- Becoming Modern: America in the 1920s - Examine how the 1920s were different from the decades before and after. Looking back from nearly a century later, the beginning of the Modern Age seems both familiar and old-fashioned. Bobbed hair, forbidden dances, and women's sports were seen as a little too modern by some. Political cartoons, newsreels, animations, and subway posters provide a glimpse back in time. The automobile evolved from a luxury item to mass production. Radio evolved from military to household use. Airplanes evolved from entertainment to a travel option. The Roaring Twenties was seen as a Golden Age until the Stock Market crashed.
Important Documents
Medieval Research Project
Resources: Books
Go to Destiny. Then, click on the “Simsbury High School” link. Next, click on the “Catalog” link at the top. Choose the “Resource Lists” link on the left, then the "Public Lists" tab.” Click on the individual list links to view titles of recommended books.
Resources: Databases
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
World Book Student Online Encyclopedia
(username: simsburyps)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the Resource List tab. Click on the "public list" tab. Click on the appropriate medieval list. Click on the "online resources" tab on the top right of your desktop. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Comprehensive sites / General indexes
- NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources (link no longer available) A "meta-index" of Internet resources. Over 1400 links in more than a dozen categories.
- Not Everyone Lived in a Castle Many people think of the Middle Ages as a romantic time when gallant knights rescued lovely damsels in distress and everyone lived in castles. But that's only one small facet of the picture.
- Eye Witness-The Middle Ages and Renaissance History through the eyes of those who lived it.
Philosophy / The Church/ Religion
- The End of Europe's Middle Ages The economic, political, religious and intellectual environment of the 14th and 15th centuries: trade routes, black death, feudalism, chivalry, Crusades, troubadours, and much more. Good coverage of eastern Europe.
- Monastic Life (link no longer available) Monasteries were places where men could go and devote their entire life to God.
- The Keepers of the Knowledge Monks and nuns played many roles, but perhaps the most significant and far-reaching role was that of the keepers of knowledge.
Castles / Knights / Chivalry
- Castles on the Web Glossary of terms
- Castles on the Web: Photo Archive - English Castles is an image gallery of English castles. Some include brief historical facts about the castle. Beware to cite the image and look for modern conventions (i.e. cars, modern houses, people in modern clothing) to evaluate a photo before using it.
- Castle Learning Center includes sections on castle types, construction, and daily life.
- Chivalry Chivalry is derived through the French chevalfrom the Latin caballus. The knight or chevalier was the professional soldier of the time.
- Medieval Siege This is the companion Web site to the NOVA program which broadcasted on January 24, 2006. In the film, which is a part of the NOVA series,Secrets of Lost Empires, a team of timber framers and other specialists design, build, and fire a pair of trebuchets, a devastating engine of war popular in the Middle Ages.
- Life in a Castle Professor Richard Holmes, a British military historian featured in the NOVA film "Medieval Siege," talks here about everyday life in a medieval English castle, giving a sense of how lords and ladies, archers and engineers, cooks and carpenters lived their lives behind castle walls.
Daily Life
- Middle Ages: What was it like to live in the Middle Ages? The pageantry and the peasantry. An online exhibit inspired by a video series on the Western Tradition.
- Medieval English Towns History of several particular towns, plus a great bunch of links to other boroughs, background on medieval towns, fiefdoms and daily life.
- GodeCookery.Com This site includes authentic recipes for beverages, breads, cakes, pastries, cheese, dairy, eggs, desserts, fish, fruits, vegetables, grains, pastas, meat, nuts, poultry, soups and sauces.
- Medieval Gastronomy Online exhibition from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
- Footwear of the Middle Ages (link no longer available) To the end of the 16th C.
- Laws and Punishment The basic principle of the law was that 'denial is always stronger than accusation', so, in most cases, the defendant would be allowed to bring forward an oath to prove his innocence. (Resource no longer available.)
Science / Technology / Warfare
- Secrets of Lost Empires: Medieval Siege Companion site to the PBS Nova program. Learn about the trebuchet and other weapons.
- The Black Death During the Medieval period the plague went by several names, the most common being "the Pestilence" and "The Great Mortality ".
- The Plague Scientific Causes of the Black Plague
- Norton Topics Online: Middle Ages | 16th C. | Early 17th C. The "texts and contexts" of English literature of the three periods.
- Guide to Medieval and Renaissance (Musical) Instruments Pictures, descriptions, background, sound samples
- Medieval Drama An article on the origin and development of drama during the Middle Ages.
- Medieval Literature information about the Medieval authors, poets, and books
You will need to know where people lived, i.e. a manor, town or castle, to be able to describe what their home and daily life was like. Click here to see a list of where people lived. Determine whether the person was a commoner or a noble.
Middle East Thesis Paper
You will write a 3-4 page thesis paper that is intended to argue your particular viewpoint about a world issue. Your position must be supported with in-depth research, not just your own opinions, and you must include a list of works cited that contain at least four sources.
- Thesis Paper Assignment
- Thesis Paper Due Dates (2016)
- Thesis Guide
- Blank Outline (Google Doc: File --> Make a Copy)
- Guide to Sources
Recommended Databases
- Opposing Viewpoints in Context (ID="school password")
- World History in Context (ID="school password")
- SIRS Researcher (Username= shslibrary)
Did you forget the school database password? - Click here
Recommended Websites
- Purdue OWL: MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics
- NoodleTools
- Turnitin (Class ID = 12665156)
Roman Emperors Presentation
You will have an opportunity to learn more about ONE of the major emperors of the Roman Empire. You will research the emperor with a partner, and create a short Google Slides or PowerPoint presentation to share with the class in a 3-5 minute presentation.
Recommended Databases
(To access from home, ID= School Password)
- Biography in Context - Search for Roman Emperors; pay attention to names and dates of birth/death
- Biography Reference Center - Search for Roman Emperors; must log-in using Public Library Card number at home
- World History in Context - Browse topics (ex. Ancient Rome) or use Advanced Search strategies
- World History Collection - Search by Subject Guide, Advanced Options and Term Clusters.
Recommended Websites
- WebPath Express - Access through online catalog Destiny
- Biography
- Ancient Roman Emperors
Important Resources
Civics Thesis
Issues of Social Justice in American Society
You will write an argumentative essay of 6 paragraphs and at least 1000 words (typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font) that is intended to argue an issue that is critical to the progress of our nation. In the essay, you will provide a brief history of this issue and provide possible solutions. Your position must be supported with in-depth research and use formal language to convey your message. You must include a list of works cited that contain at least six sources with at least one of each of the following: print source, website source, database source.
Assignment: Research Paper Assignment 2021
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Recommended Databases
Forgot a database password? Click here!
Improve Searches Using Boolean Operators
American Government
(username: shslibrary)
American History
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(Username: shslibrary)
(Username: simsburyhs)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID = "school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username: simsburyhs)
Online Resources
You can search for suggested academic websites related to your chosen topic by using the WebPath Express feature in Destiny.
CARRDSS Website Evaluation (video)
Note-Taking Strategy & Example (video)
Note-Taking Strategy (PDF)
Participatory Democracy
Participatory Democracy in the United States
For this unit, we will be studying participatory democracy in the United States. Participatory democracy, although it sounds like a big fancy term, is really just ways in which people can participate in, influence, and try to make a difference in politics or policies that exist in the world around them. This is exactly what you will be doing! For this project you will complete a series of tasks that will end in you creating your own representation of a way you can influence a social issue or current policy in your community.
Assignment: Civics Assignment 2021
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Recommended Databases
Forgot a database password? Click here!
Improve Searches Using Boolean Operators
American Government
(username: shslibrary)
American History
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(Username: shslibrary)
(Username: simsburyhs)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID = "school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username: shslibrary)
Online Resources
You can search for suggested academic websites related to your chosen topic by using the WebPath Express feature in Destiny.
Age of Encounter
The Age of Encounter
You will be using your knowledge of history to describe the impact of globalization in the 15th-17th centuries on a society of your choice. You will need to select a society and then use your research skills to identify the impact that global encounter had on the people of this society.
You may consider examining how your selected society changed politically, economically, culturally, socially, etc. as a result of globalization. You might also discuss things such as the Columbian Exchange, the development of Triangular Trade and/or Indian Ocean Trade Networks, and emergence of mercantilism.
Once you have identified the consequences of globalization for your society, you will need to craft an argumentative paper that describes the impact of globalization.
Resources: Databases
Ancient and Medieval World
(username: shslibrary)
Exploring the Middle Ages
(username: shslibrary)
Daily Life Through History
(username: shslibrary)
World History in Context
(ID="school password")
*The American Mosaic: The African American Experience
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/24/20)
*The American Mosaic: The Latino American Experience
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/24/20)
*World At War: Understanding Conflict and Society
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/24/20)
*World Geography: Understanding a Changing World
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/24/20)
*World Religions: Belief, Culture & Controversy
(Username: Student(06070).2 ; Password: ABC-CLIO; TRIAL Ends 1/24/20)
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Cause & effect: The ancient Aztecs [ebook]
Cause & effect: Ancient China [ebook]
Resources: Free Internet
Go to Destiny. Click on the WebPath Express tab. Enter your keywords in the search bar or Browse by Subject links. Names of recommended sites on the web will be followed by annotations explaining what type of information is available at the site. Clicking on the title will take you directly to that website.
Thesis Paper
Issues of American Citizenship
You will write a 4-6 page thesis paper (typed, double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font) that is intended to convince your Congressional representatives to hold a particular viewpoint about a critical issue in our nation. Your position must be supported with in-depth research, not just your own opinions, and you must include a list of works cited that contain at least five sources with at least one of each of the following: print source, website source, database source. A list of questions that your paper may answer will be provided.
Assignment: Research Paper Assignment 2018
Recommended Books
You may search the school library's online catalog of print and electronic materials by using Destiny. We suggest browsing our Resource Lists for collections of print materials focused on a particular topic or subject.
You may also search for print materials using the online catalog for the Simsbury Public Library. You may borrow these books with your public library card.
Recommended Databases
Daily Life Through History
(Username: shslibrary)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID = "school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username: shslibrary)
American Government
(username: shslibrary)
American History
(username: shslibrary)
Research in Context
(ID = "school password")
Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society
(Ask teacher or library media specialist for log-in)
SIRS Discoverer
(Ask teacher or library media specialist for log-in)
Online Resources
You can search for suggested academic websites related to your chosen topic by using the WebPath Express feature in Destiny.
CARRDSS Website Evaluation (video)