Science Library Lessons
- Biology
- Avery
- Barker
- Berthiaume
- Calandro
- Ferreira
- Golden
- Isner
- Jacob
- Kosinski
- Kotler
- Lombardo
- McCooey
- Nalband
- Pirek
- Skiba
- Temperilli
- Williams
Bioengineered Food Student Directions
Directions for Bioengineered Food Library Activity: Defending a Position in a Persuasive Outline
Required Materials
- Food labeling article
- Model outline about SUVs (below)
- Checklist for evaluating your outline before you submit it (below)
Your Task
- Create a sentence outline in which you defend a position about labeling bioengineered or genetically modified food.
- Look at the model outline about sports utility vehicles.
- Use the checklist to see if you have accurately completed the task.
When you are finished, submit to the library media specialist:
- Your outline
- A rubric stapled to the outline
***To begin, go to the Virtual Library, look under Library Lessons, and click on Science.
***Find the section in Biology called "Bioengineered Foods." Open the Bioengineered Foods Outline. Save a copy to your P-drive.
Requirements for this Assignment (Bioengineered Foods - Persuasive Sentence Outline)
1. You need to paraphrase or put in your own words all direct quotations.
- Use complete sentences in your outline.
- Relate each argument to labeling.
- Proofread.
- Check spelling.
Bioengineered food should be labeled.
Bioengineered food should not be labeled.
3. Support the position with three broad, logically organized arguments or reasons or points of view. These arguments should be broad generalizations. Include information for each of the sources. The supporting ideas should be well-developed and contain accurate and relevant information.
Your arguments will be based on The New York Times Article "Labeling Genetically Altered Food is a Thorny Issue" and at least two other articles from Opposing Viewpoints.
To access Opposing Viewpoints:
Go to the Virtual Library, look under Databases, click on Opposing Viewpoints
Click on Proceed when the InfoTrac screen appears
Do an advanced search Subject Food Keyword Labeling
Read the search results-you should have 25+ results.
Mark 2-3 articles that have titles relevant to your argument.
Directions to manage multiple windows
Right click on the time in the lower right corner
Choose Tile Windows Vertically
Close all windows except your Bioengineered Foods Outline and Opposing Viewpoints
4. Have two examples or evidence for each argument. Gather and evaluate specific evidence about each of your three arguments. The evidence can be specific examples, facts and/or statistics. The evidence should be details and it should not be a broad generalization. Parenthetical documentation: After each statement of supporting evidence, cite the source of your supporting evidence by putting the name of the author of the article in parenthesis.
Ex. Bioengineered food has undergone government testing and has been found to be safe; therefore bioengineered food should not be labeled. (Conko)
How to Cite Your Sources
1. Copy and paste the citation information from The New York Times Article. (This has been done for you.)
2. Cite sources from Opposing Viewpoints at the bottom of your outline.
Click on Marked Items (at the top)
Click on How to Cite Marked Items
When the dialogue box opens, click on SAVE
In the next dialogue box, click on Open
Copy and past the citations to the bottom of your outline
Before you submit your outline, be sure to delete the articles you didn't read from the bottom of your outline.
Format in Outline View
When you are finished entering information, format the document in outline format. Go to View: Outline. The document should now be in outline format. If necessary, use the arrows at the top to display the hierarchy of your thinking
To get to the Virtual Library from home
Search a search engine using the terms: “
Click on
Checklist for the outline on: Should bioengineered foods be labeled?
YES | NO | |
I removed the guide words in the sample outline: argument, evidence, state the author, etc. | ||
I wrote an introductory paragraph. (Note: Some introductions contain questions that will be answered in the arguments.) | ||
Each argument mentioned labeling. | ||
I wrote in complete sentences. | ||
My three arguments are different from each other. | ||
I supported each of my three arguments with at least two statements of relevant evidence of specific details: facts, statistics, opinions. | ||
I put the author's name in parentheses after each evidence statement. | ||
I proofread my outline for spelling and grammar. | ||
I used third person. | ||
I wrote a concluding paragraph summarizing my three arguments. |
Model Outline
Thesis: Sports Utility Vehicles should be banned from the road.
I. Introduction
In order to prove that Sports Utility Vehicles should be banned from the road, the following questions need to be answered. Are Sports Utility Vehicle unsafe? Do Sports Utility Vehicles pollute the environment? Should owners of Sports Utility Vehicles continue to receive generous tax breaks?
II. Sports Utility Vehicles are unsafe; therefore SUVs should be banned.
A. Government studies have found that the occupant death rate for mid-sized SUVs is 6 percent higher than cars. (Smith)
B. SUVs ride higher off the ground and have a higher center of gravity; therefore their rollover rate is three times worse than for cars. (Jones)
III. SUVs should be banned from the road because Sports Utility vehicles are bad for the environment.
A. SUVs burn more gas and spew out more pollution. Many of the big SUVs pollute three times as much as cars. (Marko)
B. An official with the Maryland Dept of Transportation publicly blamed the explosive growth in SUV sales as the main reason pollution in the region dramatically increased.(Smith)
IV. SUVs should be banned from the road because it is unfair to manufacturers and owners of cars that Sports Utility vehicles are subsidized by generous tax breaks.
A. SUVs are exempt from the federal gas-guzzler tax which is usually assessed on low mileage cars, saving automakers as much as $10 billion a year. (Jones)
B. Small businesses take a $25,000 tax deduction when they buy an SUV. (Marko)
V. Conclusion
Sports Utility Vehicles should be banned from the road because these vehicles are unsafe, SUVs pollute the environment and owners of SUVs receive an unfair tax break that is not given to owners of cars.
HPD Activity
USA Charts
Pakistan Charts
Comparison Table
Alternative Energy Resources
Integrated & Physical Science-II
Resources: Databases
- GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources)
- Science in Context
- Opposing Viewpoints in Context
- SIRS Researcher (cite as a magazine, newspaper, journal, etc.)
Resources: Books
In Destiny, search for your energy source. Choose the Power Search tab and check the box labeled "Include Online Resources" to view online resources (databases), titles (books), and Web Sites.
Resources: Software
NoodleTools to take notes and cite sources*** in MLA FORMAT
If you need help using Noodle Tools, the directions are in The Virtual Library - How To - NoodleTools. If you need to set up a new account or revalidate your account, the School Library Username is shs library.
Resources: Web Sites
Using the WebPath Express feature in Destiny, search for websites (online sources) about your alternative energy source by entering search words in the find and search bar. Once you select a website from your WebPath Express search results, you may use "Edit-->Find" in your web browser menu to locate your topic quickly.
Ecological Footprint
IPS-9 ________
Product Project
Name _____________________________
Date _________________
The Golden Age Worksheet
Ecological Footprint Project Assignment
Ecological Footprint Project- Rubric
Recommended Resources: Books
- See cart
Recommended Databases
Recommended Resources: Free Internet
The Story of Stuff-Quicktime Video
Interactive Rock Cycle
How Products Are Made
Search the patent: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Use Quick Search OR
Mining Copper
National Mining Association
Life Cycle of a Plastic Product (Link no longer available)
Environmental Protection Agency Composting
Energy Information Administration Climate and Global Warming
Helpful Websites
- (interactive global warming, carbon cycle, and water cycle)
- (link no longer available) (Interactive rock cycle)
- (article) (No longer available)
Science Current Events
Assignment Documents
- Current Events L1 (Part 1)
- Current Events L2 (Part 1)
- Current Events Guided Notes Organizer
- Current Events Assignment Organizer
Argumentative Writing Assignment
Google Drive Templates
(After opening link & signing into your SPS Google Account, make a copy in your Drive!!)
Note Taking: Argument Organizer
Resources: Databases
- GREENR (Global Reference on the Environment, Energy and Natural Resources)
- Science in Context
- Environmental Studies & Policy Collection
- Opposing Viewpoints in Context
- Science Reference Center
- SIRS Researcher (cite as a magazine, newspaper, journal, etc.)
Resources: Books
In Destiny, search for keywords identified about your topic. Choose the Power Search tab and check the box labeled "Include Online Resources" to view online resources (databases), titles (books), and Web Sites.
Resources: Software
NoodleTools to take notes and cite sources in MLA FORMAT
If you need help using Noodle Tools, the directions are in The Virtual Library - How To - NoodleTools. If you need to set up a new account or re-validate your account, the School Library Username is shs library.
Resources: Web Sites
Using the WebPath Express feature in Destiny, search for websites (online sources) about your alternative energy source by entering search words in the find and search bar. Once you select a website from your WebPath Express search results, you may use "Edit-->Find" in your web browser menu to locate your topic quickly.
Global Interdependence
Global Interdependence Websites: 2012
EPA link
Ecological Footprint Link (site currently unavailable)
Interactive global warming, carbon cycle, and water cycle (if link does not open below, click to try opening from a Word doc)
Interactive Rock Cycle