English Library Lessons
- Branch
- Celentano
- Diana
- Drago
- Flaherty
- Flowers
- Henry
- Hogan
- Lenz
- Miron
- Mudano
- Pfeiffer
- Robbins
- Roberts
Tragic Hero
Unit 2: Destiny
Writing Assignment: Modern-Day Tragic Hero
You will write a 2-3 page research paper arguing how a modern-day hero (religious, sports-related, political, entertainment-focused, artistic) fulfills most, if not all, of the characteristics of the tragic hero as listed below. Research this tragic hero and submit a works cited page with at least four (4) credible sources. You will need four (4) cited examples of text evidence for this essay. In your conclusion, you will reflect on the universal lesson that this individual’s tragic fall teaches humanity. Quotes must be short (5-8 words). You must use databases.
Common Characteristics of a Tragic Hero:1. The character must be of high/noble stature.
2. The character has a tragic flaw, which begins as a positive character trait.
3. The character’s tragic flaw leads to a reversal of fortune or downfall.
4. His or her actions result in improved self-awareness and self-knowledge.
5. The character experiences a spiritual, professional or literal "death."
- Destiny Common Assessment
- Modern Tragic Hero List
- Destiny Common Assessment Note-Taking
- Note-Taking EXAMPLE
- Destiny Common Assessment Outline
Recommended Databases
Biography in Context
(ID="school password")
Recommended Websites
- Bioethics Essay
- Fishbowl Discussion on Poetry
- Harlem Renaissance Poets
- Great Gatsby
- Modern and Postmodern Poets
- Tragic Hero
Bioethics Essay
Writing Assignment
Research a current bioethical issue either online or in the library and find three reliable academic or scholarly sources on the issue. Write a two to three page formal analysis in which you make a claim about the issue. Your thesis statement should clearly define your stance on the subject. You must include at least one quote from each article as well as one quote from the novel, and you need to cite each quote properly (Total 4 quotes). You will have an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Please include a separate, properly formatted Works Cited page.
Ethics: moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior; the moral correctness of specified conduct.
Bioethics: the ethics of medical and biological research.
- Human Cloning
- Animal Cloning
- Stem Cell Research
- Genetically Modified Foods
- Genetic Engineering
- Biomedical Technology
Recommended Databases
SIRS Researcher
(username: simsburyhs)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID="school password")
Recommended Websites
Fishbowl Discussion on Poetry
English: Grade 11
Fishbowl Discussions on Poetry
Recommended Databases
Use Destiny One Search to access multiple databases that may have information on your topic. You may use any database individually, but the following databases will be extremely helpful.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Recommended Books
Go to Destiny. Search for the name of the writer you are looking for, either by Keyword or Author (ex. Dickinson, Emily or Whitman, Walt).
You may also check Google Books for full-text online print resources for collections of the desired author's writing, poetry or critical analysis of the author's works.
You may find desired poems online using the Poetry Foundation or Bartleby. On Bartleby, search and click the name of the author you are trying to find a written work for. Next, click on the Index of First Lines link. Lastly, look for the title of the work you need to read and analyze.
Recommended Free Internet Sites
Use the Webexpress feature of Destiny to access recommended web sites.
And/or use the recommended web sites suggested by Biography in Context:
Selected Websites on Emily Dickinson's Life and Works:
- Emily Dickinson Museum
- The Literature Network
- Modern American Poetry: Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
- Poets org: Academy of American Poets: Emily Dickinson
Selected Websites on Walt Whitman's Life and Works:
Harlem Renaissance Poets
Recommended Software
- Use "Word" to write a 1-2 page analysis essay about your poem.
- Use Noodletools to create a properly formatted MLA "Works Cited" page.
Recommended Free Internet Sites
- Use the "Resource List" in Destiny to access recommended web sites on the Harlem Renaissance as well as recommended sites on poetry. (You can create a citation list of these sources.)
- Use the recommended sites provided by your teacher.
Great Gatsby
Recommended Databases
Use Destiny to access databases that may have information on your topic. You may use any database, but the following databases will be extremely helpful.
Recommended Books
Go to Destiny. Click on Resource List. Click on Public tab. Click on 1920's list to access a bibliography of suggested titles. You may also search your topic for additional books.
Recommended Software
Use PowerPoint to create a slide show. Use Noodletools to create a "Works Cited" page.
Recommended Free Internet Sites
Use the Webexpress feature of Destiny to access recommended web sites.
And/or use the recommended web sites suggested by SIRS Decades and/or History Resource Center
And/or use the sites below:
- Art, Music, & Culture of the 1920s http://alephnull.net/20s/index.html
- F. Scott Fitzgerald: http://www.sc.edu/fitzgerald/index.html
- Greatest films of the 1920s http://www.filmsite.org/20sintro.html
- American Presidents: Life Portraits http://www.americanpresidents.org/
- The History Channel http://www.historychannel.com/
- POTUS - Presidents of the United States (Resource no longer available)
- Smithsonian Magazine https://www.smithsonianmag.com/
- The White House http://www.whitehouse.gov/
Background:The Roaring Twenties was a time of rapid change. Women, in particular, adopted new lifestyles and attitudes. Many Americans admired heroes and created heroes. Radio, the movies and jazz were new forms of information, entertainment and art. The decade was especially creative for music, art and literature, architecture and fashion. It was also called the Golden Age of Sports, the Age of the Flapper and the Age of the Automobile and the Age of Freud.
Task: With your assigned partner(s), research the topic you have been assigned. After researching the topic and selecting important details, create a PowerPoint presentation that thoroughly explains your topic. Include any definitions necessary for understanding your topic, and describe the importance of the person/thing or event you researched. If your topic is an event, include explanations of the causes and effects of the event. To provide ourselves with a better overall understanding of our author and American society during our story, we will combine all PowerPoints into a linked PowerPoint show. We will refer to some of this information as we read Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.
Key Requirements
- Minimum 5 slides
- Minimum 5 pictures and/or video
- Minimum 5 visual effects
- Group Presentation
- Peer Evaluation
*Total: 25 Points
**Presentations will be on specific dates. If you are not present on your assigned day, you will owe me a two page typed paper on your topic.
Jazz Age | Fitzgerald - Biography | Lost Generation | East & West Egg |
Prohibition | Women Suffrage | Flappers | Fashion & Clothing |
Dance | Sports | Entertainment | Great Depression |
Government & Big Business | Technology: Automobiles, Appliances, Radio, Flight |
Modern and Postmodern Poets
Resources: Databases
Use Destiny to access online database information about your poet and his/her poetry. You may use any database, but the Poetry Pathfinder below lists recommended databases.
Resources: Books
Use Destiny to find books about your poet and his/her work. Use the Resource List in Destiny to access reference sources which can help you.
Resources: Software
Use Noodletools to create a properly cited MLA "Works Cited" page. You will also be using Microsoft Word to write a paper.
Resources: Free Internet
Use the "Web Express" feature in Destiny to search for your poet and his/her poetry. Use the Resource List in Destiny to access recommended websites. Use Google Books and/or Google Scholar to search for scholarly sites on the web.
Tragic Hero
Unit 2: Destiny
Writing Assignment: Modern-Day Tragic Hero
You will write a 2-3 page research paper arguing how a modern-day hero (religious, sports-related, political, entertainment-focused, artistic) fulfills most, if not all, of the characteristics of the tragic hero as listed below. Research this tragic hero and submit a works cited page with at least four (4) credible sources. You will need four (4) cited examples of text evidence for this essay. In your conclusion, you will reflect on the universal lesson that this individual’s tragic fall teaches humanity. Quotes must be short (5-8 words). You must use databases.
Common Characteristics of a Tragic Hero:1. The character must be of high/noble stature.
2. The character has a tragic flaw, which begins as a positive character trait.
3. The character’s tragic flaw leads to a reversal of fortune or downfall.
4. His or her actions result in improved self-awareness and self-knowledge.
5. The character experiences a spiritual, professional or literal "death."
- Destiny Common Assessment
- Modern Tragic Hero List
- Destiny Common Assessment Note-Taking
- Note-Taking EXAMPLE
- Destiny Common Assessment Outline
Recommended Databases
Biography in Context
(ID="school password")
Recommended Websites
Native American Studies
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
For each topic, collect and share as many details as you can from your reading of The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (Alexie, 2007) and using the resources provided below.
- The Spokane Indian Tribe
- Contemporary Political Issues in Native American Tribes
- Contemporary Living Conditions/Health Issues in Native American Tribes
- Issues with Native American Mascots
- Banned Books
Suggested Resources
Discovery Education: (Use @simsburyschools.net Google log-in)
SIRS Researcher: (Username: shslibrary)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context: (ID = "school password")
U.S. History in Context: (ID = "school password")
(ID = "school password")
Bioethics Essay
Unit 4: Technology
Writing Assignment: BioEthics Essay
Research a current bioethical issue online to find at least two articles on the issue. Write a three-and-a-half (3 ½) page formal response that takes a stance on the issue. Your thesis statement should clearly define your stance on the subject (but do not mention “I”). In your response, refer to Brave New World first in the introduction as a thematic “hook” and then again in the conclusion to help drive home your argument. You must include at least two quotes from each article as well as at least one quote from the novel, and you need to cite each quote properly. Include a separate, properly formatted Works Cited page.
Ethics: moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior.
Bioethics: the ethics of medical and biological research.
- virus testing
- genetic screening
- genetically modified food (GMO)
- vaccination
- organ donation
- euthanasia (vs. physician-assisted suicide)
- CRISPR cas9
- stem cell research
- human genetic engineering
- cryonics
- Covid-19 Issues (should not be a political stance, but a data-driven scientific one)
BioEthics Essay Prompt
Recommended Databases
Did you forget the school database password? - Click here
Improve Searches Using Boolean Operators
Science in Context
(ID="school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username= simsburyhs)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID="school password")
Recommended Websites
Book Talks: PhotoStory 3
Recommended Books
Use Destiny to locate a book. You may search for a subject of your choice but limit your format to fiction. You may also use the "Visual " tab in Destiny to locate recommended books.
Recommended Free Internet
You will use Photo Story 3 for Windows to create a booktalk. PhotoStory 3 can be downloaded for free for on your home computer. (Ask your parents for permission)
Use Noodetools to create your "Works Cited" page.
You will select a book to read from our school library media center today.
You will have 3 weeks to read the book.
After reading the book you will respond to the following two questions in which the summary of the book is embedded in your response:
- What are your thoughts, feelings, questions about the story?
- Was the author successful in creating a good piece of literature?
You will type your response to the above questions into a "Word" document and have this document available digitally (i.e. "P" drive, flash drive) for the next scheduled class.
You will also need to scan the cover of your book prior to the next scheduled class.
On your next scheduled visit to the LMC, you will be given instruction in how to use PhotoStory 3. Feel free to download PhotoStory 3 at home or come to the LMC to "play around with it" prior to the directed instruction.
You will create a 2 minute booktalk. You must include the cover of the book and five additional images. You will record your response to the questions above into a PhotoStory 3 project.
Instructions for use of PhotoStory 3 can be found on the "How To" link in the Virtual LIbrary.
Tragic Hero
Unit 2: Destiny
Writing Assignment: Modern-Day Tragic Hero
You will write a 2-3 page research paper arguing how a modern-day hero (religious, sports-related, political, entertainment-focused, artistic) fulfills most, if not all, of the characteristics of the tragic hero as listed below. Research this tragic hero and submit a works cited page with at least four (4) credible sources. You will need four (4) cited examples of text evidence for this essay. In your conclusion, you will reflect on the universal lesson that this individual’s tragic fall teaches humanity. Quotes must be short (5-8 words). You must use databases.
Common Characteristics of a Tragic Hero:1. The character must be of high/noble stature.
2. The character has a tragic flaw, which begins as a positive character trait.
3. The character’s tragic flaw leads to a reversal of fortune or downfall.
4. His or her actions result in improved self-awareness and self-knowledge.
5. The character experiences a spiritual, professional or literal "death."
- Destiny Common Assessment
- Modern Tragic Hero List
- Destiny Common Assessment Note-Taking
- Note-Taking EXAMPLE
- Destiny Common Assessment Outline
Recommended Databases
Biography in Context
(ID="school password")
Recommended Websites
Bioethics Essay
Unit 4: Technology
Writing Assignment: Bioethical Essay
Research a current bioethical issue online and find two articles on the issue. Write a two to three-page formal response in which you take a stance on the issue. Your thesis statement should clearly define your stance on the subject. In your response, refer to Frankenstein first in the introduction as a “hook” and then again in the conclusion to help drive home your argument. You must include at least one quote from each article as well as one quote from the novel, and you need to cite each quote properly. Please include a separate, properly formatted Works Cited page.
Ethics: moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior; the moral correctness of specified conduct.
Bioethics: the ethics of medical and biological research.
- Human Cloning
- Genetically Modified Food
- Euthanasia
- Organ Donation
- Human Genetic Engineering
- Artificial Womb
- Genetic Screening
- Cryonics
- Infertility Treatments
- Vaccinations
- Sperm / Egg Donation
- Lobotomy
- Stem Cell Research
- Pain Management
- Surrogacy
Recommended Databases
Science in Context
(ID="school password")
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID="school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username= simsburyhs)
Did you forget the school database password? - Click here
Recommended Websites
Speak Project
Speak Project
Recommended Databases:
Recommended Free Internet
A-Z Lyrics Universe http://www.azlyrics.com/
Song Lyrics http://www.elyrics.net/
Song Lyrics http://www.musicsonglyrics.com/
Lyrics Freak http://www.lyricsfreak.com/
Or use Google and type in a word followed by lyrics. Example: "loneliness" lyrics
Assignment Overview
You have just finished reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. As she begins her freshman year, Melinda Sordino finds that other students treat her like an outcast because she called the police to break up a teen party. She describes the cruelty of peer pressure and cliques. Melinda experiences many problems such as: adjustment disorders, mutism, loneliness, post traumatic stress disorder, family problems, rape and sexual assault, self mutilation, depression. In class you will discuss some of these problems and you will select one that affected you. You will choose lyrics from a song and a passage or event from the book then make connections to this problem. You will create a PowerPoint about the problem and a Works Cited page when you come to the library.
1. Class brainstorming session: Before you come to the library, spend some time in class brainstorming about the problems Melinda experiences in Speak.
2. Homework: Choose a problem from class discussion and find song lyrics that exemplify that problem. Bring a hard copy of the lyrics or electronic copy to school. You may e-mail it to your personal e-mail as an attachment or save the lyrics on a flash drive. Write down the title of the web page where you found the lyrics and the URL, or address of the web site. You most likely will be blocked from this site by our school's filter.
3. Library: You will spend two or three days in the library to complete the rest of this assignment. Report directly to the library and bring your copy of Speak. You will be creating a 5-slide PowerPoint. You will be linking your PowerPoint to the PowerPoints created by your classmates to create one class PowerPoint. It is imperative that you save your PowerPoint to both the "Robinson" folder in the "K" drive and your "P" drive. Name your file by your last name and the word Speak. Example: ThompsonSpeak or SmithSpeak.
Powerpoint must include:
Slide 1: Title: A title slide with your name and the problem you chose.
Slide 2: Information about the Problem: You will find and use information from The Health and Wellness Resource Center and/or Teen Health and Wellness databases in the Joe Townsley Virtual Library. Go to the Library Resources folder, access the Virtual Library, and click on Databases. Using the Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine in the Health and Wellness Database, find information about the problem that connects with the song you chose. Print the source from the Health and Wellness or Teen Health and Wellness database. Read the information and put into your own words. Insert information into slide 2. Include information that reflects new knowledge. You may wish to answer questions such as: What are the symptoms? What are the causes? What is the treatment?
Slide 3: Lyrics: Open up your e-mail or use a flash drive on which you saved the lyrics and insert the lyrics you found for homework into slide 3. If you do not have an electronic version, manually insert song lyrics into slide. Remember, you don't need to use the whole song, instead use the portion of the song that is most relevant to the problem.
Slide 4: Passage or event: Insert a passage from Speak that is relevant to the problem into slide 4. Put quotation marks around the passage if you copied it word for word. Put the page number on the slide. OR Describe in your own words an event that may come from several pages in the book and put your description on slide 4. Indicate the chapter in which this event takes place.
Slide 5: Connections: Think and then create a slide that explains how the problem, the song lyrics, and the passage /event are connected.
4. Library: Save your PowerPoint to a folder on the K drive and on your P drive. If you haven't finished your PowerPoint, e-mail it as an attachment to yourself at home and finish it for homework.
5. Library: When everyone is done, we will link all the individual PowerPoints into a class PowerPoint. It is imperative that you save by your last name!
6. Library: Create a Works Cited page using NoodleTools software. You will use your printed copies of the source in Health and Wellness Center, the information about the web page you used for the lyrics and your book to cite the
- Novel Speak as a print book
- Source you used in Health and Wellness Resource Center
- Internet source you used for your song
7. Library: You will put your name, teacher, and period on the Works Cited page, print it and submit it to the Library Media Specialist.
8. Library: Assess what you learned by completing the Checklist for this assured experience.
Library Media Program Checklist
- purpose of use
- the nature of the publication
- the amount used
- the effect on the market.
MacBeth Literary Analysis
Literary Analysis with Secondary Sources
→ Write a three-page (maximum), analysis on Macbeth with secondary sources (scholarly essays).
1. Find secondary sources that illustrate important points in your paper.
2. Print the secondary sources—you will have to hand them in with the essay.
3. Annotate: identify ideas that you might want to paraphrase and quotes you might want to use. In the margin, write down specifically how you intend to use these marked areas.
4. Understand the secondary sources and use them to make the points the writer intended—it is an academic error to use a source to prove something that it was not intended to prove.
5. Use two or three sources (critical essays), and they must come from the online sources and the books provided to you by the SHS library. (It is all right if you use more than three sources, but keep your essay limited to three pages.)
Database Resources
Academic OneFile (ID = "school password")
JSTOR (username = simsburyhs)
Online Resources
Documentary Unit: Photo Story 3 Project
Documentary Unit: Photo Story 3 Project
Recommended Software
Photo Story 3 is free, open ware software which allows for the production of a video using still pictures. You will be using PhotoStory 3 to create your video. The "How To" section in the Virtual Library includes directions, blank slides, storyboards and examples of completed PhotoStory 3 projects.
Use Noodletools to cite your music, photos and any other resources which are not original examples of your work. You can then copy your 'Works Cited" page onto a blank photoStory 3 slide for inclusion in your credits.
Digital Project: Romeo & Juliet
Film a scene or a part of a scene of your choice from the play. The scene should be short- approximately 3-5 minutes. You pick the historical time period, which will influence your choice of the style and costume of your scene. Be sure that the time period, like that of post-World War II Italy is suitable for an adaption of Romeo and Juliet. Then be sure that the style, like Neorealism, fits that time period as well. Additionally, the way the actors deliver the lines will help demonstrate your group's interpretation of the scene.
Suggested Resources
Daily Life Through History
To access from home, username : shslibrary
World History In Context
To access from home ID= school password
AP Speech Project
Speech Project: Using Rhetoric to Address a Social Issue
Recommended Databases
- SIRS Researcher
- Opposing Viewpoints: Critical Thinking
- Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Recommended Books
Use Destiny to do a Basic or Power Search to locate books on your subject.
Recommended Free Internet
Use the Webpath Express feature in Destiny to locate reliable, credible web resources by searching for keywords related to your topic. Use the website sources recommended by any databases you search.
Recommended Software
Use Prezi to create a presentation aligned with your speech content. Sign up for a free Prezi account by going to prezi.com and clicking on "sign up". Choose the public option and create an account using your simsburyschools.net email address. Your Prezi will highlight your speech’s main points, supporting examples, and rhetorical strategies. A short 2-3 minute youtube video, images/graphs, and/or music are recommended to embellish your overall speech presentation.
Use NoodleTools for note-taking, and citing your sources by creating an MLA "Works Cited" page.
Speech Project: Using Rhetoric to Address a Social Issue
Topic Sign-Up Sheet
Click the following link to access a spreadsheet to sign-up for the topic you would like to present: Sign-Up Spreadsheet (Note: You may need to sign into your Simsbury Google Account to view and sign-up).
Tragic Hero
Unit 2: Destiny
Writing Assignment: Modern-Day Tragic Hero
You will write a 2-3 page research paper arguing how a modern-day hero (religious, sports-related, political, entertainment-focused, artistic) fulfills most, if not all, of the characteristics of the tragic hero as listed below. Research this tragic hero and submit a works cited page with at least four (4) credible sources. You will need four (4) cited examples of text evidence for this essay. In your conclusion, you will reflect on the universal lesson that this individual’s tragic fall teaches humanity. Quotes must be short (5-8 words). You must use databases.
Common Characteristics of a Tragic Hero:1. The character must be of high/noble stature.
2. The character has a tragic flaw, which begins as a positive character trait.
3. The character’s tragic flaw leads to a reversal of fortune or downfall.
4. His or her actions result in improved self-awareness and self-knowledge.
5. The character experiences a spiritual, professional or literal "death."
- Destiny Common Assessment
- Modern Tragic Hero List
- Destiny Common Assessment Note-Taking
- Note-Taking EXAMPLE
- Destiny Common Assessment Outline
Recommended Databases
Biography in Context
(ID="school password")
Recommended Websites
Tragic Hero
Unit 2: Destiny
Writing Assignment: Modern-Day Tragic Hero
You will write a 2-3 page research paper arguing how a modern-day hero (religious, sports-related, political, entertainment-focused, artistic) fulfills most, if not all, of the characteristics of the tragic hero as listed below. Research this tragic hero and submit a works cited page with at least four (4) credible sources. You will need four (4) cited examples of text evidence for this essay. In your conclusion, you will reflect on the universal lesson that this individual’s tragic fall teaches humanity. Quotes must be short (5-8 words). You must use databases.
Common Characteristics of a Tragic Hero:
1. The character must be of high/noble stature.
2. The character has a tragic flaw, which begins as a positive character trait.
3. The character’s tragic flaw leads to a reversal of fortune or downfall.
4. His or her actions result in improved self-awareness and self-knowledge.
5. The character experiences a spiritual, professional or literal "death."
- Destiny Common Assessment
- Modern Tragic Hero List
- Destiny Common Assessment Note-Taking
- Note-Taking EXAMPLE
- Destiny Common Assessment Outline
Recommended Databases
Biography in Context
(ID="school password")
Recommended Websites
Bioethics Essay
Writing Assignment
Research a current bioethical issue either online or in the library and find three reliable academic or scholarly sources on the issue. Write a two to three page formal analysis in which you make a claim about the issue. Your thesis statement should clearly define your stance on the subject. You must include at least one quote from each article as well as one quote from the novel, and you need to cite each quote properly (Total 4 quotes). You will have an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Please include a separate, properly formatted Works Cited page.
Ethics: moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior; the moral correctness of specified conduct.
Bioethics: the ethics of medical and biological research.
- Human Cloning
- Animal Cloning
- Stem Cell Research
- Genetically Modified Foods
- Genetic Engineering
- Biomedical Technology
Recommended Databases
SIRS Researcher
(username: simsburyhs)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID="school password")
Recommended Websites
Speak Project
Speak Project
Recommended Databases:
Recommended Free Internet
A-Z Lyrics Universe http://www.azlyrics.com/
Song Lyrics http://www.elyrics.net/
Song Lyrics http://www.musicsonglyrics.com/
Lyrics Freak http://www.lyricsfreak.com/
Or Use Google and type in a word followed by lyrics. Example: "loneliness" lyrics
Assignment Overview
You have just finished reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. As she begins her freshman year, Melinda Sordino finds that other students treat her like an outcast because she called the police to break up a teen party. She describes the cruelty of peer pressure and cliques. Melinda experiences many problems such as: adjustment disorders, mutism, loneliness, post traumatic stress disorder, family problems, rape and sexual assault, self mutilation, depression. In class you will discuss some of these problems and you will select one that affected you. You will choose lyrics from a song and a passage or event from the book then make connections to this problem. You will create a PowerPoint about the problem and a Works Cited page when you come to the library.
1. Class brainstorming session: Before you come to the library, spend some time in class brainstorming about the problems Melinda experiences in Speak.
2. Homework: Choose a problem from class discussion and find song lyrics that exemplify that problem. Bring a hard copy of the lyrics or electronic copy to school. You may e-mail it to your personal e-mail as an attachment or save the lyrics on a flash drive. Write down the title of the web page where you found the lyrics and the URL, or address of the web site. You most likely will be blocked from this site by our school's filter.
3. Library: You will spend two or three days in the library to complete the rest of this assignment. Report directly to the library and bring your copy of Speak. You will be creating a 5-slide PowerPoint. You will be linking your PowerPoint to the PowerPoints created by your classmates to create one class PowerPoint. It is imperative that you save your PowerPoint to both the "Robinson" folder in the "K" drive and your "P" drive. Name your file by your last name and the word Speak. Example: ThompsonSpeak or SmithSpeak.
Powerpoint must include:
Slide 1: Title: A title slide with your name and the problem you chose.
Slide 2: Information about the Problem: You will find and use information from The Health and Wellness Resource Center and/or Teen Health and Wellness databases in the Joe Townsley Virtual Library. Go to the Library Resources folder, access the Virtual Library, and click on Databases. Using the Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine in the Health and Wellness Database, find information about the problem that connects with the song you chose. Print the source from the Health and Wellness or Teen Health and Wellness database. Read the information and put into your own words. Insert information into slide 2. Include information that reflects new knowledge. You may wish to answer questions such as: What are the symptoms? What are the causes? What is the treatment?
Slide 3: Lyrics: Open up your e-mail or use a flash drive on which you saved the lyrics and insert the lyrics you found for homework into slide 3. If you do not have an electronic version, manually insert song lyrics into slide. Remember, you don't need to use the whole song, instead use the portion of the song that is most relevant to the problem.
Slide 4: Passage or event: Insert a passage from Speak that is relevant to the problem into slide 4. Put quotation marks around the passage if you copied it word for word. Put the page number on the slide. OR Describe in your own words an event that may come from several pages in the book and put your description on slide 4. Indicate the chapter in which this event takes place.
Slide 5: Connections: Think and then create a slide that explains how the problem, the song lyrics, and the passage /event are connected.
4. Library: Save your PowerPoint to a folder on the K drive and on your P drive. If you haven't finished your PowerPoint, e-mail it as an attachment to yourself at home and finish it for homework.
5. Library: When everyone is done, we will link all the individual PowerPoints into a class PowerPoint. It is imperative that you save by your last name!
6. Library: Create a Works Cited page using NoodleTools software. You will use your printed copies of the source in Health and Wellness Center, the information about the web page you used for the lyrics and your book to cite the
- Novel Speak as a print book
- Source you used in Health and Wellness Resource Center
- Internet source you used for your song
7. Library: You will put your name, teacher, and period on the Works Cited page, print it and submit it to the Library Media Specialist.
8. Library: Assess what you learned by completing the Checklist for this assured experience.
Library Media Program Checklist
- purpose of use
- the nature of the publication
- the amount used
- the effect on the market.
Elizabethan England
Elizabethan/Tudor England
Research Elizabethan England to provide a background for reading Romeo and Juliet. Before you try start reading books or searching the Internet, you may want to read about your subject to come up with search terms other than the main topic.
Recommended Databases
Recommended Books
Click on Destiny, Click on the Visual Search tab, Click on the appropriate "Elizabethan" icon. These books are on a cart in the LMC labeled with your teacher's name.
Recommended Software
Use Noodle Tools to cite sources, take notes, create a "works cited" page, and create a "list analysis."
Resources: Free Internet
- Tudor houses, Britain Express: Elizabeth I and Elizabethan life in England http://www.britainexpress.com/History/Elizabethan_life.htm
- Architecture, Towns and Cities http://tudorhistory.org/places
- The life and times of Queen Elizabeth, 1533-1603 http://www.elizabethi.org/
- Shakespeare Resource Center-Elizabethan England http://www.bardweb.net/england.html
- Background information: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/renaissanceinfo.htm
- Elizabethan Clothing http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/elizabethan-clothing.htm
- Life in Elizabethan England http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Elizabethan Clothing http://www.aboutbritain.com/articles/elizabethan-clothing.asp
- Elizabethan England http://www.william-shakespeare.info/elizabethan-crime-punishment.htm
- Life In Elizabethan England http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Educating Shakespeare http://www.likesnail.org.uk/welcome-es.htm (resource no longer available)
- Life in Elizabethan England http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Elizabethan recipes http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/elizabethan-food.htm
- Background information: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/renaissanceinfo.htm
- Food in Tudor Times http://tudorhistory.org/topics/food
- The Medieval and Renaissance Games Homepage http://www.waks.org/game-hist/
- Elizabethan Card Games http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~wew/Tattershall-tb/cards.html
- Life in Elizabethan England http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Elizabethan Flowers: Historical Overview (resource no longer available)
- Elizabethi.org (Life and Times of Queen Elizabeth http://www.elizabethi.org/
- History Sourcebook: Holinshed's Chronicles http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1577harrison-england.html
- Life in Elizabethan England http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Shakespeare Resource Center http://www.bardweb.net/
- Life in Elizabethan England http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Life in Elizabethan England http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Proper Elizabethan Accents http://www.renfaire.com/Language/
- The Housewife's Rich Cabinet
- Background information: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/renaissanceinfo.htm
- Life in Elizabethan England http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Introduction to Shakespeare's Life and Times https://internetshakespeare.uvic.ca/Library/SLT/intro/
- Background information: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/renaissanceinfo.htm
- Songs Of and About Elizabethan Times http://www.renfaire.com/Language/songs.html
- Music http://tudorhistory.org/topics/music
- Background information: http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/renaissanceinfo.htm
- Life In Elizabethan England http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Background information http://www.luminarium.org/renlit/renaissanceinfo.htm
- Introduction to Shakespeare's Life and Times https://internetshakespeare.uvic.ca/Library/SLT/intro/
- Life In Elizabethan England: includes information on masters, servants, occupations, marriage, family and childhood http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Life In Elizabethan England http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/
- Life and Times of Queen Elizabeth http://www.elizabethi.org/
- History Sourcebook: Holinshed's Chronicles http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1577harrison-england.html
Bioethics Essay
Unit 4: Technology
Writing Assignment: Bioethical Essay
- Human Cloning
- Genetically Modified Food
- Euthanasia
- Organ Donation
- Human Genetic Engineering
- Artificial Womb
- Genetic Screening
- Cryonics
- Infertility Treatments
- Vaccinations
- Sperm / Egg Donation
- Lobotomy
- Stem Cell Research
- Pain Management
- Surrogacy
- Artificial Intelligence (SIRS Issues Researcher | Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context)
- Fake News (SIRS Issues Researcher | Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context)
- Digital Media (SIRS Issues Researcher | Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context)
- Big Tech (SIRS Issues Researcher | Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context)
- Media Bias (SIRS Issues Researcher | Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context)
- Cybercrime (SIRS Issues Researcher | Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context)
- Copyright Infringement (SIRS Issues Researcher | Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context)
- Social Media (SIRS Issues Researcher | Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context)
Recommended Databases
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Improve Searches Using Boolean Operators
Science in Context
(ID="school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username= simsburyhs)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID="school password")
Recommended Websites
MacBeth Literary Analysis
Essay with Secondary Sources
→ Write a three-and-a-half-page (maximum), analysis of Macbeth using support evidence from secondary sources (scholarly essays).
Assignment: Topics and Directions | Outline Form
Database Resources
Improve Searches Using Boolean Operators
Academic OneFile (ID = "school password")
JSTOR (username = simsburyhs)
Online Resources
- Google Scholar
- Refseek
- The Folger Shakespeare's Macbeth: OER text
- Macbeth Lightbox (Google log-in required)
- NoodleTools
Bioethics Essay
Unit 4: Technology
Writing Assignment: BioEthics Essay
Research a current bioethical issue online to find at least two articles on the issue. Write a three-and-a-half (3 ½) page formal response that takes a stance on the issue. Your thesis statement should clearly define your stance on the subject (but do not mention “I”). In your response, refer to Frankenstein first in the introduction as a thematic “hook” and then again in the conclusion to help drive home your argument. You must include at least two quotes from each article as well as at least one quote from the novel, and you need to cite each quote properly. Include a separate, properly formatted Works Cited page.
Ethics: moral principles that govern a person's or group's behavior.
Bioethics: the ethics of medical and biological research.
- virus testing
- genetic screening
- genetically modified food (GMO)
- vaccination
- organ donation
- euthanasia (vs. physician-assisted suicide)
- CRISPR cas9
- stem cell research
- human genetic engineering
- Covid-19 vaccination
- Covid-19 testing
- *topic of choice (must seek teacher approval)*
Recommended Databases
Did you forget the school database password? - Click here
Improve Searches Using Boolean Operators
Science in Context
(ID="school password")
SIRS Researcher
(Username= simsburyhs)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID="school password")
Recommended Websites
MacBeth Literary Analysis
Literary Analysis with Secondary Sources
Assignment: 2022
→ Write a five-paragraph, three-and-a-half-page (maximum), analysis on Macbeth with secondary sources.
1. Find secondary sources that illustrate important points in your paper.
2. Read the secondary sources to find the appropriate sources to support your essay’s thesis.
3. Annotate: identify ideas and electronically annotate them; add notes to Noodletools.
4. Understand the secondary sources and use them to make the points the writer intended.
5. Use two or three sources (critical essays) Search Google Scholar in addition to databases.
Database Resources
Improve Searches Using Boolean Operators
Academic OneFile (ID = "school password")
JSTOR (username = simsburyhs)
Online Resources
- Google Scholar
- Refseek
- The Folger Shakespeare's Macbeth: OER text
- Macbeth Lightbox (Google log-in required)
- NoodleTools