Academic One File
(ID="school password")
Biography in Context
(ID="school password")
Book Collection Nonfiction: High School
(Use public library card or select "Try This!" as CT resident)
Connecticut State Library
(Library card required for remote access)
Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)
(Use public library card or select "Try This!" as CT resident)
Gale Virtual Reference Library
(ID="school password")
General One File
(ID="school password")
researchIT CT - High School Resources
(User ID: ctlibresearch | Password: Spring20!)
Information Science and Library Issues Collection
(ID="school password")
(username: simsburyhs)
Kids InfoBits (Gale in Context: ES)
(ID="school password")
National Digital Library
Includes American Memory
Library of Congress – No username required
News & Newspapers
(Use public library card or select "Try This!" as CT resident)
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
(ID="school password")
Popular Magazines
(Use public library card or select "Try This!" as CT resident)
Pop Culture Collection
(ID="school password")
Professional Development Collection
(Use public library card or select "Try This!" as CT resident)
Research in Context (Gale in Context: MS)
(ID="school password")
Simsbury High School Yearbook Archive
(Google Drive Folder; A collection of SHS Yearbooks, 1943--)
Simsbury Public Library
(Use your public library card)
SIRS Researcher
(username: simsburyhs)
Teacher Reference Center
(Use public library card or select "Try This!" as CT resident)
World Book Online
(username: simsburyps)