- Administration
- Art
- Athletics
- Business and Finance Technology
- English
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Health Services
- Information Technology
- Intervention
- Library Media Center
- Math
- Music & Performing Arts
- Office Staff
- Physical Education and Wellness
- Pupil Services
- School Counseling
- Science
- Social Studies
- Technology and Engineering
- World Language
Susan Henneberry
Art Department invitations...
- 2024 SHS Art Show
- View highlights of the 2024 District Art Show
- 2024 National Art Honor Society members presentation
Visit the Art Department K-12 page
Our Philosophy
It is the goal of the Simsbury High School art department to provide students with an exceptional art education. We seek to nurture the artistry and creativity in all our students by providing experiences that are fun, rewarding and challenging. Our commitment also is to create within students a sense of pride and worth that allows them to be the best persons possible as well as the best young artists. Art is an expressive form of non-verbal communication important to the total education of the student at Simsbury High School.
The Art Department at Simsbury High School offers a wide variety of courses to meet the interests and diverse needs of our students. The Arts have been identified by the College Board, the U.S. Congress, the National Association of Secondary School Principals, and the U.S. Department of Education as part of the core curriculum that all students should participate in during their high school experience. The art program is intended for any student interested in art for enjoyment, in preparation for a post graduate portfolio, or as a career choice.
The Simsbury Arts Academy provides enrichment during the summer for K-12 students.
Click on the logo to go to the SAA website.
Art Department Faculty
Shannon Gagne
Sara Grant
Athletics Department Faculty
Business and Finance Technology
Business and Finance Technology Department courses encourage independent FINANCE courses encourage making wise economic decisions related to personal financial affairs, the successful operation of organizations, and the economic activities of the country. MARKETING courses introduce students to the processes and functions involved in transferring business products or services to a consumer within an environment of rapidly evolving technology, interdependent national economies, increasing demands for ethical and social responsibility, and constant change. Students will develop the critical thinking competencies necessary for acquiring, interpreting, evaluating, and managing information.
Students may earn three college credits for Accounting 1, Accounting 2, and Personal Finance through the Tunxis Community College Career Pathways dual enrollment program.
All courses are offered at Level II. Students wishing to receive Level I credit or complete an independent study must complete the approved application process established by the department. See the department supervisor for more information.
The Simsbury Board of Education has added a .25 credit financial literacy requirement to the set of mandatory courses. This requirement can be achieved through the completion of one of the following courses:
Financial Literacy-II .25 credit
Personal Finance-II .50 credit
PLATO-Personal Finance .50 credit
AP Economics-I 1.0 credit
In addition, the Department of Continuing Education may offer a financial literacy course during the summer if student enrollment warrants.
Business Department News
In January 2021 the National Business Honor Society (NBHS) and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students launched their first issue of The LOCAL REVIEW. NBHS students Joao Galafassi and Erin Harper coordinated this as a service project to support local businesses facing challenges of the pandemic
Business & Finance Technology Department Faculty
Jeffrey Stanwood
Comprehensive course and program information for Simsbury High School is published in the SHS Program of Studies book in January of each year.
The English program offers courses at two levels of achievement, ability, and interest for grades nine through twelve. This arrangement of levels ensures that all students are challenged and motivated. The sequential curricula incorporate instruction in language skills, composition, and literature.
The two levels of the English courses are: Level I - Honors or Advanced Placement, Level II - Competitive College Preparatory. Level placement is primarily based on teacher recommendation.
English Department Faculty
Ryan Branch
Emily Drago
Family and Consumer Sciences
Proud partner with UConn Early College Experience
Through experiential learning, Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) courses offer students practical and essential life skills necessary for successful living and working in the 21st century. Students develop critical thinking and problem solving skills/strategies, as well as planning and teamwork skills. Lab work, research, projects, technology, and "hands-on" activities guide student learning in both Culinary Arts and Child Development and Human Services strands.
Students have the opportunity to earn college credit from the University of Connecticut for the Individual and Family Development course.
All courses are offered at Level II. Students wishing to receive Level I credit or complete an independent study must complete the approved application process established by the department. See the department supervisor for more information.
FACS Department Faculty
Gianna Gurga
Health Services
Health Services Staff
Information Technology
The Information Technology Department is located on the district website.
Library Media Center
Library Media Center Staff
Karen LaBranche
The mathematics curriculum is structured to offer courses appropriate for a wide range of interests and abilities. The underlying philosophy reflects an attempt to blend the most desirable features of both modern and traditional points-of-view. Every effort is made to guide individual students through a sequence of courses which best suits them as indicated by their goals, aptitude, and past performance.
Students can meet the school’s minimum graduation requirements of four credits in math by successfully completing any combination of the courses listed in the SHS Program of Studies. In addition, Accounting (II), a course offered by the Business and Finance Technology Department, may be applied toward math graduation requirements. Please read the course description for details.
The three levels of the Math courses are as follows: Level I - Honors or Advanced Placement, Level II - Competitive College Preparatory, Level III - College Preparatory. Level placement is primarily based on teacher recommendation.
Math Department Faculty
Brenda Barker
Bruce Corbett
Kristina Evans
Nathan Fleet
Morgan Garibaldi
James Hochdorfer
Gregory Knight
Wojciech Kolc
Melissa Leonard
Sarah Macken
Matthew Milch
Natalia Pylypyszyn
Music & Performing Arts
Music & Performing Arts Department Faculty
Rebecca Saltzman
Katrina Stodd Knapp
Office Staff
Physical Education and Wellness
Physical Education and Wellness
The Physical Education and Wellness program has been created based upon the SHAPE America and National Health Standards. Through a variety of different units, students will receive instruction that focuses on the core concepts of accessing health information, self-management of healthy behaviors, analyzing internal and external influences, communication skills, decision-making, goal-setting skills, and advocacy. In addition, students participate in lifetime fitness and team-related activities that encourage communication, sportsmanship, teamwork, diversity, and leadership skills. This wide variety of experiences offered is designed to allow each student the opportunity to experience activities that would benefit him/her in the present and in the future.
The Physical Education and Wellness courses fulfill graduation requirements for PE and Health. Students with medical excuses are still responsible for fulfilling their physical education and wellness requirement. Students who are removed from class due to a medical reason that cannot be addressed through modification of activities will make up their requirement at another time.
All Physical Education and Wellness courses are graded and count towards GPA and honor roll.
Physical Education and Wellness Department Faculty
Ryan Martin
Pupil Services
Go to the District Pupil Services Page
The Department of Pupil Services offers a comprehensive spectrum of services at Simsbury High School to include academic, counseling, and related services supports. Such services are determined collaboratively through the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) process. Questions or comments about Pupil Services should be directed to the department supervisor for special services. Special education services are designed to meet the individual needs of the student and are offered on a continuum from part-time placement to full-time placement. The goal for all servicing is to increase academic success, which is augmented by consultation with other SHS staff members.
The Simsbury High School Department of Special Services includes the following staff members:
- Educational Support Specialists and Instructional Paraeducators
- Transition Coordinator
- Speech/Language Pathologist
- School Psychologists
- School Social Worker
Special Services Department Staff
Frances Anderson
Maureen Casey
Zamir DeJesus
Andrea Fabian
Wanda Medeika
Mary Lou Meigs
Annette Minella
Thomas Palmer
Ericka Robinson
School Counseling
Go to School Counseling website
The Simsbury 9-12 Comprehensive School Counseling Program is essential for the well-being of students in our community. It advocates for all students in their development of academic, career, and personal/social needs. The program is based on the premise that all students experience general stages of growth and development and have age-appropriate developmental tasks to accomplish. In this ever-changing society, the School Counseling program encourages the development of personal responsibility as capable citizens, productive workers, and lifelong learners.
Simsbury’s Comprehensive School Counseling Program is designed to provide intervention with a proactive and preventative approach to all students in grades 9-12. The program consists of a planned, sequential School Counseling curriculum, individual planning, responsive services, and system support.
School counselors are available to students and parents for issues concerning academics, educational plans, career plans, and personal problems. Counselors listen and discuss the possible ways to handle issues. The counselors adhere to confidentiality. This applies to the information gathered from student discussions as well as students’ records. However, when a student is at risk of harming him/herself or hurting others, parents and other support staff are informed.
Students are assigned to a counselor in alphabetical order according to the student’s last name. Every effort is made to have students assigned to the same counselor(s) for all four years.
Students may initiate a conference with their counselor by emailing their counselor requesting a specific date and time. Counselors will confirm the meeting by replying to the student’s email. Parents may also request conferences by emailing the counselor. If assistance is needed in setting up appointments, please call the School Counseling Office. Counselors will also initiate conferences with students and parents. Parents are urged to make appointments with the counselor when questions or concerns develop.
School Counseling Department Staff
The Science Department strives to incorporate the most current pedagogy while presenting fundamental science concepts. Many courses emphasize the process of science or the lab approach. In these courses, students are introduced to science concepts through the lab process. In Advanced Placement courses, the content is emphasized and reinforced in the lab.
The sequence and variety of the courses offered allows students to select fields of science which meet their needs and interests and also enables them to utilize the skills and concepts acquired in previous courses.
The two levels of the Science courses are: Level I - Honors or Advanced Placement, Level II - Competitive College Preparatory. Level placement is primarily based on teacher recommendation.
Science Department Faculty
Sandra Cangelosi
Heather Golden
Keirsten Huttig Williams
Jeffrey Klein
Michael McCain
Allessandra Rimkie
Jaime Skiba
Social Studies
Simsbury High School seeks to provide every student with a rich and challenging education in social studies. Students research and explore a core set of social studies themes as they are challenged to become critical, ethical, and creative thinkers. Through the study of civics, history, geography, economics, and the social sciences, students acquire skills and knowledge essential to understanding and applying those fields in their daily lives. As a result, students leave Simsbury Public Schools as life-long learners who appreciate the past, understand the present, and are prepared for the future.
The two levels of the Social Studies courses are: Level I - Honors or Advanced Placement, Level II - Competitive College Preparatory. (Level placement is primarily based on teacher recommendation.)
All students must have 1 credit of United States History and 1/2 credit of Civics.
Social Studies Department Faculty
Richard Curtiss
Katherine Keenan
Elizabeth McKay
Technology and Engineering
The Technology and Engineering program is open to all students in grades nine through twelve. The purpose of the Technology and Engineering curriculum is to provide students with an opportunity to develop the 21st century skills needed to become productive members of our technological society. Students are encouraged to explore and develop individual interests as well as creative and intellectual abilities related to technological careers, problem solving, and the design method. Technology and Engineering articulates five specific strands. Students in grade nine are encouraged to explore introductory courses in multiple strands.
Students wishing to receive Level I credit or complete an independent study must complete the approved application process established by the department. See the department supervisor for more information.
Technology & Engineering Faculty
Technology & Engineering Department Faculty
Cameron Bopp
Jim Compton
Wendy Ku
Daniel Warner
Project Lead the Way
Because our Project Lead The Way program has been reviewed and granted certification by the University of New Haven, a PLTW National Affiliate University, students have the opportunity to receive college credit from participating colleges and universities throughout the country.
Students may receive the following course equivalent credits through the University of New Haven:
- Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) for UNH ME101 (2 semester Credits)
- Digital Electronics (DE)for UNH EE155 (3 semester Credits)
- Principles of Engineering (POE) for UNH EAS107 (3 semester Credits)
- Engineering Design and Development (EDD) for UNH EAS109 (2 semester Credits)
Eligibility and the process are outlined below:
- Students must meet the college credit eligibility requirements. For IED, POE, and DE, students must receive a C or better on the final PLTW course exam and have a 70% or better grade for the class. For EDD, students must receive a 70% or better grade for the class (there isn't a PLTW final exam) and must have previously qualified for college credit for IED and POE.
- Students must apply for credit from UNH by December of the year that they took the course (students who took a course in 2016-17 have until December 30th to register for credit).
- Students requesting undergraduate credit from UNH should visit the UNH-PLTW website for Students and Parents. Use the link below for the Registration Form.
Informational letters from University of New Haven
Parent/Guardian and Student Letter
FIRST Robotics
World Language
La Voz Abril/Mayo (PDF)
History News 2022 Award Spotlight (PDF) History News Magazine Cover (jpeg) - Features alum Josh Picoult and Katy Hitson
The World Language Connection was honored in 2011-2012 for a CABE Excellence in Educational Communications award
Communicating in another language is of paramount importance in today’s workplace, both nationally and internationally. Courses in Chinese, French, Latin, and Spanish are available to all students. Grouping in the World Languages Department is designed so that each student may develop communication skills at an appropriate pace and level. Placement within these groups is based upon the student’s demonstrated performance in class, formative and proficiency assessments, and teacher evaluation of each student’s ability and potential. Instruction in world language classes is conducted in the target language to the greatest extent possible.