Athletes in front of hall of fame wall


Requirements for Participation in Athletics

In addition to the regular “Rules and Regulations” for students in Simsbury High School, all participants in athletics at Simsbury High School are also governed by the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC) policies. 

This CIAC brochure highlights many of the key rules and regulations that you must follow to maintain your eligibility. Please discuss any questions related to eligibility with the athletic director.

A. In order to be eligible for interscholastic athletics, students must be enrolled in five (5) units of course work and passing four (4) units of course work.

B. All student-athletes must complete the pay-to-participate process and pay a participation fee of $200.00 per sport per season. There will be an additional fee for participation in swimming and ice hockey. Checks should be made payable to Simsbury High School. Students who are experiencing extraordinary financial difficulties may request, through the athletic director, a fee reduction or waiver of the participation fee. Students that are not rostered on a team will receive a refund of the pay-to-participate fee they submitted. 

C. All student-athletes and their parents are required to sign the Simsbury High School Sports Contract which acknowledges their awareness of the required rules and regulations for members of the Simsbury High School athletic teams at the beginning of each sports season the student-athlete participates. Each season, the start date will be the first day of practice or tryouts, as stated by the CIAC. As of this date, the Simsbury High School Sports Contract will be in effect regardless of whether the athlete has started his/her season or signed the Sports Contract. When a violation of the contract is reported and verified by the coach or the administration, a meeting will be held with the student-athlete, parent/guardian, and an administrator.

Here are some of the details:

  • As a member of a team, I am dedicated to keeping myself in the best physical condition possible in order to perform to the best of my ability and to contribute to the success of the team.  As such, training rules are as follows:
    • NO possession and/or use of tobacco products, or paraphernalia including electronic nicotine delivery systems or vapor products per State Statute 53.344B.
    • NO possession and/or use of alcohol,
    • NO possession and/or use of illegal drugs.
  • My violation of rules 1a, 1b, or 1c, from the first day of practice through the last scheduled game or contest for my sport, will result in my removal from the team for the remainder of the current sport season and all future sport seasons, unless I request and fulfill the conditions of the reinstatement process. (See Petition Process for Reinstatement to the Athletics Program included in this packet. The process is also detailed in the Simsbury High School Student Handbook.
  • As a student-athlete, I understand that participation on an interscholastic team is a privilege and a commitment.  I have read the expectations for athletes in the Simsbury High School Student Handbook including the policy prohibiting “Hazing” and “Bullying” in any form (BOE Policies 5131.91 and 5131.911).
  • Any Team Captain found in violation of this contract will lose his/her position as Captain for the remainder of the season.  His/her ability to hold the position of Captain in subsequent seasons would be subject to review by the Coach and School Administration.
  • By participating as a member of an SHS athletics team, I understand that I could be photographed during the course of practices and/or contests and that my image may be used by media outlets and/or our school website.
  • Participation in high school athletics involves the potential for injury which is inherent in all sports.  Even with the best coaching, use of appropriate protective equipment, and strict observance of rule, injuries are still a possibility.  On rare occasions, these injuries can be so severe as to result in total disability, paralysis, or even death.
  • Simsbury High School athletic programs will follow CIAC guidelines as it relates to grouping of students and reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19. As with all group and team activities, there is the possibility that germs, bacteria, and virus could be shared and diseases can be contracted. As parents, you take full responsibility for the medical well-being of your child (listed above) and give them permission to participate in the Simsbury High School athletic programs.

D. Each student-athlete must submit a current physical completed and signed be a physician stating they can participate fully in athletic activities and competitive sports. All physicals are kept on file with the school nurse.  A current physical is one that is completed within 12 months of the athletic participation date. Physicals must be current and renewed each and every season the student is enrolled and participating in a sport.

E. No athlete may quit one sport and participate in another sport after the first playable date as established by the CIAC.

F. Athletes must travel to and from contests, away from Simsbury, in transportation provided by the school. The only exceptions are:

  1. injury to a participant which would require alternate transportation
  2. prior arrangement with the participant’s parent/guardian and the Athletic Director for alternative transportation by submitting the Alternate Transportation Request form. Requests should be submitted the day before the contest.

G. Completion of the sports season is required in order for the student to be eligible for letter or certificate awards (exception: injury which limits participation). No awards shall be given to any student suspended for the remainder of the season for rules violations.

H. Some behaviors will be considered serious violations of the Simsbury High School athletic code and school rules and could result in loss of privileges. These behaviors include but are not limited to the following.

  1. civil law infraction
  2. malicious destruction of school property or individual equipment
  3. misconduct by a student athlete that is potentially detrimental to the athletic program, school, or school district
  4. theft
  5. unexcused absence from practices or contests
  6. unexcused absence from class
  7. unsportsmanlike conduct toward an opponent or official
  8. sale, possession, and/or consumption of illicit drugs, alcohol, marijuana, and/or anabolic steroids
  9. possession and/or use of tobacco products

I. In conjunction with CIAC policy, any Simsbury High School student-athlete ejected from a contest for fighting/unsportsmanlike conduct will not be permitted to participate in the next scheduled contest.

J. Additional rules or regulations adopted by a head coach for a particular team or sport will be approved by the principal and athletic director. Such additions will be in writing and on file in the office of the principal and athletic director.

In all cases, the student will be verbally advised by the head coach of the alleged violation, and the student shall have an opportunity to explain or justify the action. If, after such conference, the head coach decides that a penalty is justified, the student will be notified.

Selection of Team Members

Selection of team members is subject to the discretion of the coaching staff. Obviously, time, space, facilities, equipment, coaching preference, and other factors will place limitations on maximum team size. While every attempt will be made to involve as many student-athletes as possible, the number of interested students may exceed our ability to safely and effectively accommodate them; therefore, a selection process may be necessary. Student-athletes are encouraged to refer to the coach for the selection process of a particular sport and for levels of participation offered in that sport. While the high school athletic program serves as an arena for the student-athlete to display his/her talent, student-athletes must in turn be willing to assume certain responsibilities.

Communication & Conflict Resolution

Communication & Conflict Resolution Statement

Attendance Requirements

  1. Students must be officially present in school for the entire day to participate in any activity after school. Any unexcused absence from class or study hall, or any suspendable offense verified on the day of occurrence will result in denial of participation in the after school activity that day. Exceptions include approved college visitations, family emergency, approved medical appointment, or other reasons approved by the school administration.
  2. If a student is absent the last school day of the week, and the competition is on a non-school day, the student must bring to the coach a signed statement from the parent/guardian that permission is given to participate. It is recommended that the coach call the parent regarding the absence.
  3. A student who has been injured and has had medical treatment cannot participate again until the date indicated by the student’s doctor.

Sportsmanship Expectations

CIAC Sportsmanship Committee Belief Statement

Captain's Practice

It is important for parents and student-athletes to understand that Simsbury High School does not in any way sanction, encourage, or condone pre-season “Captain’s Practice.” Participation in these types of activities will have no bearing on whether the student is selected to the high school team in that sport. Students should not participate in these pre-season activities.

Athletes’ Rights of Due Process

A copy of this information may also be obtained from the Athletic Director’s office.

Eligibility Determination

Student eligibility will be determined for all students on the date that report cards are distributed or on the fourteenth calendar day following the end of the marking period, whichever comes first. Scholastic incompletes must be made up within ten (10) school days following the date that student eligibility was determined for the respective marking period as defined above. Incomplete grades are not to be considered as passing grades. Final grades from the previous school year determine Fall eligibility.

Please contact the Athletic Director if you are transferring and playing a sport.