Athletes in front of hall of fame wall


Guidelines for Booster Clubs and Parent Groups

This area has been developed to assist our various sport booster clubs and parent groups in their support of our athletic programs.

The following guidelines have been established as a way to keep all sports activities in accordance with the overall goals and objectives of the Interscholastic Athletic Program at Simsbury High School.


It should be understood that the approved BOE budget for Interscholastic Athletics covers all the necessary expenditures needed to operate our sports program adequately. If it is the desire of the individual booster clubs or parent groups to solicit funds to enhance our program in the areas of banquets, jackets, warm-ups, awards, or specialized equipment that the school can not provide, we ask that the following guidelines be followed.

  • To assist the school in remaining Title IX compliant, program enhancements must be applied equally to both boys and girls teams within a given sport, i.e. boys' soccer and girls' soccer. Therefore, working with the coaching staff, written objectives should be established prior to the season regarding desired expenditures and submitted to the athletic office for review and approval.
  • All fundraising activities need to be approved by the school administration before they are conducted. Please submit the SHS Fundraising and Collection Request for approval prior to the activity. 
  • Fundraising activities are to be optional for both students and parents with no repercussions for those choosing not to participate.
  • Financial ledgers shall be maintained listing all revenue and expenditures over the course of the season and submitted to the athletic office at the conclusion of the season. Receipts for expenditures should be maintained.
  • Two signatures should be required for the drafting of bank checks.
  • Coaches are not allowed to sign or countersign checks.
  • No item exceeding $1500 in value can be accepted by the school department without prior BOE approval.
  • Fundraising activities are not to be used to subsidize any coaching salaries without prior BOE approval.
  • Gifts for volunteer coaches should not exceed $100 in value.


While end of the season banquets have become a highly anticipated event, we ask that each group work closely with the varsity coach in setting the time, place, and agenda for the activity. We ask that the following guidelines be used in the planning of the banquet.

  • If an outside venue is desired then the cost is not to exceed $20 per person all inclusive. Any banquet that exceeds $20 per person needs to be approved by the school administration. To use SHS facilities, please complete the SHS Facilities Request form.
  • The dinner and program should be planned for 2 ½ hours in length, but must not exceed 3 hours in length. One suggestion for saving time is to play team videos, especially if they are lengthy, during arrival time and throughout dinner.
  • We strongly discourage fundraising efforts during the banquets. If a raffle is part of the program, there should be a very limited number of prizes with modest values. Please do not solicit local businesses to donate prizes.
  • Some teams have chosen to do an invocation as part of the opening of the banquet. We must remind you that this is a school event, and religious prayer is not appropriate in such a setting. We ask that you talk with the captain who is assigned this portion of the program to keep the greeting to a message of general gratitude and thanks.


Team dinners have become an important part of the team bonding process for many of our sports teams. While it is a tradition that has grown over the years, there is a concern regarding the additional time requirements placed on the students who attend. While we do support the concept of the team dinner, we ask that they be limited to one per week and preferably on a non-school night.


The town requires a permit for use of sandwich boards for advertising on other than school property. If you intend to utilize this form of advertising on locations other than at the high school, please secure the proper permits. The application for a permit is made at the Town Hall. If you choose to set up a sandwich board at the high school, please place it at an adequate distance from the entrances so not to block the view of drivers entering and exiting the school.