Henry James Memorial School

Principal Scott Baker

155 Firetown Rd., Simsbury CT, 06070
Phone: (860) 651-3341 | Fax: (860) 658-3629

Principal: Scott Baker
Assistant Principal: Jacqueline Petrella

2008 Seal Blue Ribbon SchoolWelcome to the website of Henry James Memorial School, Simsbury’s award-winning middle school. On behalf of our faculty and staff, I would like to invite you to explore our website and learn about our many programs and the numerous accomplishments of our students. Henry James Memorial School has a proud tradition of excellence, and we are a nationally recognized Blue Ribbon School.

HJMS’s mission statement, “Connections, Challenge, Character,” is a reflection of the middle school philosophy that is essential to the experience that we provide all of our students during their time at our school. We utilize the team structure, which enables our faculty and staff to know the interests and strengths of each student, thus meeting their individual learning needs.

We support the Character development of our students through the HJ Way. The HJ Way is based on three principles: Be Respectful, Be Responsible and Live with Integrity. The HJ Way embodies our behavioral expectations for all of our students. These values promote positive social development, healthy peer relations, student leadership, and guide our students to become considerate, thoughtful members of our school community.



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