Central School
29 Massaco Street, Simsbury, CT 06070
Phone: (860) 658-4732 | Fax: (860) 658-3620
Beth Hennessy, Principal
The Central School community nurtures the whole child: the mind, body, character, and creativity of each student. We offer a rich and rigorous curriculum, set high expectations, celebrate diversity, and promote a love of learning. Through partnerships connecting educators, families, and students, we create a strong foundation for public service and lifelong learning in an ever-changing global society.
Effort Matters: "Think You Can...Work Hard...Get Smart!" - Jeff Howard
Central Calendar
2024-2025 School Calendar (Printer Friendly)
Announcements & Quick Links
- About Central School
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- Daily Schedule
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- Faculty & Staff Directory
- Kindergarten Information
- Student Art Gallery
- Summer Reading and Math
About Central School
Daily Schedule
District Communications and Email Notifications
Documents & Links
Faculty & Staff Directory
Kindergarten Information
Student Art Gallery
Summer Reading and Math
Central School News
Students and staff members new to Central School are welcomed during the LARTNEC Ceremony. This annual ceremony brings our school community together to welcome all of our new students and staff to Central School as we “Learn the ropes for the Voyage of Life.”
Students are greeted back to school as they exit the bus. All students gather on the playground and line up with students in their new class. What a great way to see your friends after the summer break and meet new friends.
Central School's Academic Fair included close to 50 displays of student work about science, history, athletics, and animals, and some with an entrepreneurial spirit. Thank you to the students for their creativity and their families for their support. Congratulations to all of our Academic Fair participants!
Author John Schu spoke with students about the importance of reading and listening to stories during a very engaging and entertaining assembly. Mr. Schu gave away many copies of his book, This Is A School, to students and staff members.
Students in Mrs. VanVoorhis's kindergarten class worked with students in Mrs. Garthwaite's Family & Consumer Science at Henry James Middle School. Students at the middle school made a monster based on their kindergarten buddy's drawing using felt, buttons, and stuffing. The two classes met recently to share the monsters and read a few books together.