PPT Tips

Information to be acquired in preparation for the meeting:

  1. Who are the participants?
  2. Are you planning to invite anyone from outside the school system? Did you inform the school?
  3. What are the topics to be discussed?
  4. What decisions need to be made?
  5. Have you seen your child's psychological reports, test results in reading and math and your child's school records?
  6. Are you able to define your expectations about your child's learning and development?
  7. Are you able to define what you wish the school to offer your child?
  8. Are you able to express your concerns, opinions and questions about your child's education?

Information to be acquired at the IEP Meeting:

  1. What are the child's individual needs?
  2. What are the child's strengths and weaknesses?
  3. What are the possible placements for the child?
  4. If the placement is new, when will it begin?
  5. What are the goals for the child in this placement?
  6. If the child is in high school, will a high school diploma be the goal?
  7. Who will determine if the child is attaining enough course credit to receive a diploma?
  8. What supportive or related service will the child receive in this placement?
  9. When will this service begin?
  10. What test modifications should be used?
  11. What percentage of the child's time will be spent in regular education?
  12. Who in the school is responsible for the child's progress?
  13. Who in the school is responsible for communicating to you your child's progress?
  14. To whom to you speak when you have concerns about your child's education?
Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center