Human Growth & Development Virtual Parent/Guardian Informational Session
Amanda Roy, the K-12 Physical Education & Wellness Department Supervisor, will facilitate a virtual informational session for parents/guardians on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 6:00. Parents/guardians will have the opportunity to hear about the topics to be discussed with grade 5 and grade 6 students during the Human Growth & Development units. Here is the Google Meet link for the information session.
If parents/guardians would like to preview the materials on their own, they may access the videos via the links provided below:
Grade 5 - Overview for parents & videos (your child will watch only one of these videos):
Grade 6: Overview for parents and videos:
Please feel free to email Amanda Roy with any questions you may have:
Amanda Roy
K-12 Department Supervisor of Health, PE & Wellness
Simsbury Public Schools