Strategic Plan & Annual Reports
Each fall the central office administration, principals, and program leaders develop a Strategic Plan to guide their work on school goals and priorities.
Strategic Plan
The SPS Strategic Plan is a district tool that is used to set priorities, focus energy and resources, ensure that stakeholders agree to intended outcomes/results, and assess actions needed to make progress, as well as set measures to define success.
Strategic School Plans
Continuous improvement in the Simsbury Public Schools is a cycle that begins in the summer with the analysis of data related to both student achievement and system quality. Areas for improvement are identified along with strategies for addressing the areas in need of improvement. Strategic School Plans, published in the early fall, focus the work of the entire system, from the superintendent to the classroom teacher, on the identified goals and objectives. Periodic reviews of each plan are conducted throughout the year, and a final report is issued in the early fall to document the district's progress toward the goals and objectives.
To be effective, the practice of continuous improvement must become an integral part of the culture of the Simsbury Public Schools. Using data to determine needs within the system, identifying goals and strategies to meet those needs, and engaging in a cycle of action and reflection will enable our school system to continuously improve. We are committed to making continuous improvement a guiding force in our ongoing work with students and families.
2023-2024 School Annual Reports
- Simsbury High School
- Henry James Memorial School
- Central School
- Latimer Lane School
- Squadron Line School
- Tariffville School
- Tootin' Hills School