Elementary Curriculum Handbook: This handbook presents a broad overview of each core subject, defines the expectations for student achievement, and provides a description of the curriculum at each grade level. It also highlights the uniqueness of the curriculum and the instruction that takes place in the classroom.
Simsbury Public Schools has developed a strong standards-based curriculum that incorporates sequential instruction, enduring ideas, and the discrete skills that students should know and be able to do by the end of each grade. Assessments that inform instruction and document the learning and growth of each child are built into our curriculum. Teachers analyze student work to individualize student instruction, implement continuous learning, and guide decisions to improve student performance.
This Elementary Curriculum Handbook is one more important document that supports communication between home and school. We hope that the information will add to your understanding of the elementary school curriculum and will enrich your role as an active participant in your child’s education.
If you have questions about our elementary curriculum, please contact Betsy Gunsalus, Director of Curriculum and Student Assessments, at Tootin' Hills School at (860) 408-6141 or bgunsalus@simsburyschools.net.