Students in bleachers at football game


ADA Compliance

Simsbury Public Schools is committed to providing web resources that are accessible to all. Beginning in November 2017, the district began an audit of all our published content to ensure ADA compliance in accordance with WCAG 2.0. This audit was designed to catalog, but was not limited to, the following areas.

  • Review images and links for accurate and useful tags and descriptions.
  • Review posted forms and documents for legibility.
  • Identify awkward or difficult site navigation.
  • Identify broken links.

Working with our web host (Finalsite) and our auditor (Siteimprove), corrective action is ongoing. This may include:

  • Training for staff.
  • Replacement of PDFs and scans of documents with an optical character recognition version, or digital native version that is searchable.
  • Filling or replacing descriptions for images and links.
  • Resizing images larger than 1 MB.
  • Fixing broken links.

Additional items may be addressed upon the results of the audit. If you have a disability and the format of any material on our website interferes with your ability to access the information, please contact the district webmaster. In your correspondence, so that we may be of most help to you, please include:

  • The nature of the accessibility issue
  • URL or web address of the requested material(s)
  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your phone number

Thank you for your patience as we continue to make improvements in providing website access for all.