December 2023
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Each year the Simsbury Public Schools conducts a census of all children residing in Simsbury who are of pre-school age. With this information, we can more accurately estimate the number of children who will enter kindergarten from each area of our community. This data is important to the school department in determining the number of classrooms that will be required in the future.
Therefore, if a pre-school age child or children reside in your home, your assistance in completing the brief survey below by January 10, 2024 would be greatly appreciated.
By entering your children's names and birthdates, you are not registering them, but are simply adding their name(s) to our mailing list to receive registration information as your children become eligible for kindergarten. You are not committing yourself to registering your child and can tell us at any time during the registration process if you decide to use a private school, magnet school, wait another year before starting kindergarten, or any other choice you make.
NOTE:Please fill out this survey ONLY if a pre-school age child or children reside in your home, particularly those eligible for kindergarten in the school year 2024-2025. Due to a recent legislative change, children are eligible for Kindergarten in 2024/25 if they were born on or before September 1, 2019. Information on kindergarten registration will be sent home in January to anyone with an age-eligible child who is not yet attending school.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Laura Shellman
Student Data, Transportation and Enrollment Coordinator
tel. 860-323-8140